Watch Moon Phase
- 1969
- 1 Season
6.7 (283)
Moon Phase is a Japanese anime series that aired from 2004 to 2006. The show is produced by Shaft and licensed in North America by FUNimation, and features an all-star voice cast including Michiko Neya and Hiroshi Kamiya. The show follows the story of a young photographer named Kouhei Morioka, who is sent to eastern Europe to take pictures of an ancient castle. While there, he meets a young girl named Hazuki, who claims to be a vampire. Hazuki is being held captive in the castle by her family, who want to use her powers for their own gain.
Despite her initial distrust of Kouhei, Hazuki soon realizes that he is the only person who can help her escape. With Kouhei's help, Hazuki manages to escape from her family and the two begin a strange journey together.
As the show progresses, we learn more about Hazuki's past and the true extent of her powers. We also meet a colourful cast of characters, including Hazuki's eccentric family, a group of vampire hunters, and a talking cat named Luna.
One of the standout features of Moon Phase is its mix of genres. While the show is primarily a supernatural drama, it also features elements of action, comedy, and romance. The show's unique setting and characters help to keep the story fresh and engaging throughout its 26 episode run.
The animation in Moon Phase is also noteworthy. The show features a distinct visual style, with a mix of traditional animation and computer-generated effects. The use of colour and lighting helps to enhance the dark, moody atmosphere of the show.
Another strong aspect of Moon Phase is its soundtrack. The show features a beautiful and haunting score, with music by composer Daisuke Asakura. The opening and closing themes are also standout tracks, with catchy melodies and memorable lyrics.
Overall, Moon Phase is a captivating and atmospheric anime series that is sure to appeal to fans of the supernatural genre. With its mix of genres, engaging characters, and beautiful animation and music, it is a standout entry in the anime canon.
Moon Phase is a series that ran for 1 seasons (26 episodes) between and on FUNimation