Ep 8. Little Monsters
- August 27, 2021
Monsters at Work is an American animated television series based on the beloved Pixar Monsters, Inc. franchise. In this hilarious and heartwarming show, we follow the adventures of Tylor Tuskmon, a young monster who dreams of becoming a top scarer at Monsters, Inc. As the company shifts from using screams to laughter to power the city, Tylor finds himself reassigned to the Facilities Team, where he works with a motley crew of misfits to keep the factory running smoothly.
In episode 8, titled "Little Monsters," we see Tylor and the rest of the Facilities team facing one of their biggest challenges yet. When the Monsters, Inc. daycare center is short-staffed, they are tasked with taking care of a group of rambunctious young monsters for the day. At first, Tylor and his colleagues seem to have everything under control – they've got games, snacks, and crafts lined up for the kids, and they're confident they can keep them entertained.
But things quickly go awry when the youngest member of the group, an adorable little monster named Tippy, wanders off and gets lost in the factory. Tylor and his coworkers frantically search for her, but with so many nooks and crannies in the massive factory, it seems like an impossible task. Meanwhile, the other kids are starting to get antsy and restless, and it's clear that they need some serious distraction if they're going to make it through the day without causing a disaster.
As the search for Tippy continues, the Facilities team gets creative with their distractions, coming up with all sorts of wacky games and activities to keep the kids occupied. They stage a puppet show, have a dance party, and even play a game of hide-and-seek that takes them all over the factory. It's chaotic and exhausting, but in the midst of all the chaos, Tylor realizes that he's actually having fun with the kids. For the first time, he sees a different side of Monsters, Inc. – a more playful, caring side that he never noticed before.
Eventually, Tylor and his team find Tippy and reunite her with her parents, but the day's adventures have left a lasting impression on Tylor. As he watches the kids leave, waving goodbye with their tiny little hands, he realizes that there's something truly special about working with monsters of all ages. It's not just about scaring or making laugh – it's about creating connections and memories that will last a lifetime.
"Little Monsters" is a heartwarming episode filled with laughs, hijinks, and loads of adorable monster kids. It's a reminder that even in a world where monsters and humans live apart, there's still so much that we can learn from each other.