Watch Monster Camera
- NR
- 2015
- 1 Season
Monster Camera is a thrilling anime series produced by J-Edge, a renowned Japanese studio that focuses on creating captivating stories and animations with a touch of suspense and drama. The show follows the life of a young and adventurous photographer, Koyanagi, who discovers a supernatural camera that is the key to unlocking the mysterious world of monsters.
At first, Koyanagi is a struggling photographer with a keen eye for detail, but whose shots never quite hit the mark. He's always on the lookout for inspiration, and it's during one of his late-night strolls that he stumbles upon an abandoned shop that's rumoured to house a mysterious camera. Peering through the dusty window, he sees a dusty box adorned with strange markings that he instinctively feels could hold the answers to his creative block. Despite the warning signs surrounding the shop, Koyanagi pushes ahead with his quest and eventually discovers the abandoned box.
As he dusts off the camera and its lenses, Koyanagi begins to notice something strange about the pictures he's taking. They have a life of their own, with the monsters in the shots appearing to be real, as if he's stumbled upon a parallel universe where they coexist with humans. The camera is, in fact, a portal that Koyanagi can use to enter the world of those monsters and interact with them. As he journeys deeper into this mysterious realm, Koyanagi learns more about the monsters, their motivations and secrets, and uncovers a dark truth about their existence.
As the story unfolds, Koyanagi's journey takes him through a series of adventures, each one revealing more about the world of monsters, their history, and their relationship with humans. Along the way, he meets a host of fascinating characters, some human, some not, who help him navigate the twists and turns of this mystical universe. From the rebel leader of a monster faction intent on overthrowing their human oppressors, to a group of humans who have devoted their lives to studying and interacting with the monsters, Koyanagi learns that every interaction has its consequences, and every action has a reaction.
The animation style of Monster Camera is striking, featuring bold colours and shading that give life to the monsters and their surroundings. The diverse range of creatures he encounters throughout his journey is a testament to the creativity of the J-Edge design team, bringing to life an array of beasts that seem to be straight out of a fairy tale. The camera's compendium, a digital device that documents the different kinds of monsters Koyanagi encounters, is a handy plot device that allows the viewers to learn alongside the protagonist and provides an overview of the wide range of creatures in the show.
Throughout the series, the plot is masterfully woven around different aspects of Monster culture, delving into their mythology and hierarchy. The relationship between the human and monster characters is a fascinating one, with some species having an almost symbiotic relationship with their human counterparts, while others are fearful of humans and their destructive tendencies. There are elements of comedy that prevent the drama from becoming too heavy, and the show does an excellent job of balancing those two aspects to create a viewing experience that is both entertaining and thought-provoking.
In conclusion, Monster Camera is a visually stunning anime series that is sure to capture the imagination of fans of the genre. It's a wild and unforgettable ride that explores the nature and existence of monsters and their relationship with humanity. With a compelling protagonist, a richly imagined alternate world, and an intriguing plot that keeps you on the edge of your seat, this series promises to be a hit with audiences around the world.
Monster Camera is a series that ran for 1 seasons (3 episodes) between August 11, 2015 and on J-Edge