Modern Marvels Season 4 Episode 17
Modern Marvels
Season 4

Ep 17. Trans-Atlantic Cable: 2,500 Miles of Copper

  • October 26, 1997

The Trans-Atlantic Cable: 2,500 Miles of Copper episode from season 4 of Modern Marvels explores the incredible feat that was accomplished in the 19th century when the first transatlantic telegraph cable was laid across the ocean floor. The episode takes a detailed look at the history of communication technology advancements, the challenges faced during the development of the cable, and the impact it has had on the world.

The episode starts in the mid-1800s, a time when communication across the Atlantic was limited to ships carrying messages back and forth. The dream of fast and efficient communication across the ocean led to the ambitious plan to lay a telegraph cable on the ocean floor. The project was met with skepticism and challenges, including a lack of understanding of underwater topography and extreme weather conditions.

The episode features interviews with experts in the field, including marine biologists, cable engineers, and historians. They delve into the politics and technical aspects behind the success of the project, which was finally achieved in 1866. The cable, which was made up of 2,500 miles of copper wire, revolutionized communication by allowing news and information to be transmitted across the Atlantic in mere hours instead of weeks.

Viewers get a behind-the-scenes look at the cable construction process, which involved creating a specially designed cable ship, the Great Eastern, to lay down the cable. The show also highlights the skilled labor involved in the project, which required immense physical strength to lift and maneuver the heavy cables.

The episode also delves into the impact the transatlantic cable had on the world, allowing for faster communication between businesses and governments on both sides of the ocean and creating a new form of international communication. In addition, the episode explores the societal issues that arose from the rapid spread of information, such as the transmission of stock market and business information across the ocean. The show also showcases the advances made in communication technology since the first transatlantic cable was laid, including the development of fiber-optic cables.

Overall, the Trans-Atlantic Cable: 2,500 Miles of Copper episode from season 4 of Modern Marvels highlights the incredible feat of laying the first transatlantic telegraph cable and the impact it had on the world. Through interviews with experts and a detailed look at the cable's history and construction, viewers gain a greater appreciation for the technology and hard work that made the project a success.

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  • First Aired
    October 26, 1997
  • Language