Modern Marvels Season 4 Episode 16
Modern Marvels
Season 4

Ep 16. NORAD: The War Game Fortress

  • TV-14
  • October 19, 1997
  • 45 min
  • 7.2  (18)

Modern Marvels is a popular series that explores the history and technological innovations of various industries and structures. In season 4 episode 16, titled "NORAD: The War Game Fortress," the show takes a deep dive into one of the most secure and heavily fortified military commands in the United States.

The North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD, was established during the Cold War to detect and provide early warning of foreign attacks against North America. The show details how this complex system of radar installations, communications networks, missile defense systems, and command centers was set up to protect the continent from enemy air and missile attacks.

The episode starts by exploring the history of NORAD and how it evolved over time to become the advanced defense system it is today. Viewers learn how its origins in the early days of the Cold War and the development of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) led to the creation of NORAD's first detection and early warning system, called the Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line. This massive network of radar stations stretching from Alaska to Greenland was designed to detect incoming Soviet bombers and missiles.

As the show progresses, viewers get a glimpse of some of the advanced technologies that NORAD employs. These include radars that can detect objects as small as a golf ball at a distance of over 3,000 miles and missile defense systems that can shoot down incoming missiles before they reach their target. The episode also shows how NORAD uses advanced satellite imaging and computer modeling to track and predict the movement of objects in space.

The sheer scale and complexity of the NORAD operation are truly staggering. The show delves into the logistics of maintaining such a massive defensive network and highlights the challenges associated with coordinating efforts between different agencies and departments of the military. Viewers get to see how NORAD's personnel use advanced computer systems to monitor and analyze data from various sensors and how they prepare for potential threats, both real and simulated.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the episode is how it portrays NORAD's war games, which are designed to simulate a variety of attack scenarios and test the readiness of the system. Viewers get to see how NORAD's simulation technology has evolved over time and how the military uses complex scenarios to train its personnel and refine its response strategies.

Overall, Modern Marvels season 4 episode 16 presents a fascinating and insightful look at one of the most advanced and highly secure military systems in the world. From its humble beginnings as a network of radar stations to today's high-tech detection and early warning systems, the episode captures the scale and complexity of the NORAD operation while highlighting the crucial role it plays in protecting North America from potential threats.

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  • First Aired
    October 19, 1997
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    45 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.2  (18)