Modern Marvels Season 4 Episode 14
Modern Marvels
Season 4

Ep 14. Transcontinental Railroads

  • October 12, 1997

Transcontinental Railroads is the fourteenth episode of season four of the popular television series, Modern Marvels. This episode delves into the fascinating history of the construction of America’s transcontinental railroads, which was instrumental in connecting the East Coast to the West Coast and changing the course of American history.

The episode begins by discussing the challenges of traveling across the vast expanses of the American West in the mid-19th century. At the time, the only options for traversing the country were by foot, horse, or stagecoach. The show then explores how the concept of a transcontinental railroad was born, and the lengthy process of gathering support from politicians, investors, and the public.

The episode then moves on to detailing the construction of the Union Pacific Railroad and the Central Pacific Railroad, the two companies that were tasked with laying tracks across the country. With no precedent for building a railroad that spanned the entire breadth of the nation, the builders had to navigate tricky terrain, harsh weather conditions, and the threat of attacks from Native American tribes.

Perhaps one of the most fascinating aspects of the construction of the transcontinental railroads was the labor involved. As the show reveals, the vast majority of the work was done by manual laborers who had been recruited from all over the world. Chinese laborers played a significant role in constructing the Central Pacific Railroad, while Irish immigrants and ex-Civil War soldiers were hired by the Union Pacific.

The episode also explores the politics involved in the building of the railroads. There were many vested interests at play, and corruption was rife. The railroads would not have been possible without the assistance of the federal government, which provided public land grants and loans. The episode delves into the debates surrounding the financing of the railroads and the bitter competition between the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific.

Finally, the Transcontinental Railroads episode of Modern Marvels covers the impact that the railroads had on America as a whole. The completion of the transcontinental railroads brought about enormous changes, both good and bad. The railroads opened up the West to settlement, facilitated the transportation of goods across the country, and paved the way for the expansion of the American economy. However, they also dispossessed Native Americans of their land and had a negative impact on the environment.

In conclusion, the Transcontinental Railroads episode of Modern Marvels provides a riveting account of one of the most important construction projects in American history. Through interviews with historians, engineers, and railroad experts, as well as compelling visual reconstructions, the episode brings to life the fascinating story of how the United States was united through the power of the railroad.

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  • First Aired
    October 12, 1997
  • Language