Modern Marvels Season 1 Episode 9
Modern Marvels
Season 1

Ep 9. Plumbing: The Arteries of Civilization

  • TV-14
  • December 17, 2000
  • 46 min
  • 7.0  (33)

"Modern Marvels" is a historical documentary series that delves into the technological advancements that shaped the modern world. In season 1, episode 9, titled "Plumbing: The Arteries of Civilization", the show explores how plumbing has played a crucial role in the development of civilization.

The episode starts by showcasing how plumbing has been an integral part of human life since ancient times. The show features the Roman aqueducts, one of the oldest and most impressive feats of plumbing that enabled water to flow into the city from miles away. The episode also features the invention of the flush toilet by Sir John Harrington in the late 16th century, which improved sanitation and hygiene in homes.

The show then dives into the challenges that early plumbers faced. For example, cities like London in the 19th century were plagued by diseases like cholera because of unsanitary living conditions. The episode features John Snow, who, in 1854, managed to trace an outbreak of cholera to a contaminated water source, highlighting the need for clean water. The show also explores how cities like New York tackled the problem by constructing a massive network of pipes to supply clean water.

The episode also highlights how plumbing has revolutionized the way we live. The show features a tour of a modern wastewater treatment plant that demonstrates how wastewater is treated, purified, and reused. The episode also explores how modern plumbing technology has made our lives more convenient, such as tankless water heaters, instant hot water taps, and touchless faucets.

The episode also features several interviews with experts in the plumbing field. For example, the show interviews Edwin Ruud, who invented the modern water heater in 1889. The episode also interviews the CEO of American Standard, a company that prides itself on designing products that are both water-efficient and functional.

Finally, the episode concludes by highlighting how plumbing technology is evolving in the modern age. The show features a brief glimpse into the future of plumbing - from smart toilets with built-in sensors to detect health problems to self-healing pipes made out of advanced materials.

In conclusion, "Plumbing: The Arteries of Civilization" is an insightful episode that highlights the historical and technological developments that have made plumbing an essential component of modern civilization. It is an engaging and informative episode that will appeal to any viewer interested in the history of technology and the evolution of plumbing.

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  • First Aired
    December 17, 2000
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    46 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.0  (33)