Mobile Suit Gundam SEED HD Remaster Season 1 Episode 11

Ep 11. The Awakening Sword

  • TV14
  • March 2, 2012
  • 1440 min

The Awakening Sword is the eleventh episode of season one of the Mobile Suit Gundam SEED HD Remaster. In this episode, the three Earth Alliance ships are continuing their hunt for the Archangel and the Strike, with the assistance of ZAFT. All the while, the Archangel's crew is working hard to repair their ship and to find a way to escape their predicament.

The episode starts with Athrun Zala reacting to a situation on board the plant's defensive systems. His father, Patrick Zala, requests him to come to a meeting with the Council where they discuss the future of the ZAFT. Meanwhile, Kira Yamato is having a conversation with Lacus Clyne and they reflect on the hardships of war and the need for peace in the world.

On board the Archangel, Flay Allster is finally confronted by Mu La Flaga. Frustrated by her role as an "entertainer" to the Earth Alliance soldiers, Flay lashes out at Mu. This leads to a heated conversation between the two, with Flay revealing her true feelings about surviving the Heliopolis tragedy and its aftermath.

Simultaneously, the Earth Alliance ships catch up with the Archangel and the ZAFT team. During the ensuing battle, the Archangel's communication system is damaged, leaving them unable to contact Orb for assistance. This prompts Murrue Ramius to launch a daring plan to sneak onto one of the Earth Alliance's ships and steal its communication equipment.

While this is happening, Kira and Athrun have a showdown in space. The two old friends are now enemies and their encounter is full of tension and emotion. They engage in a furious battle of mobile suits, with each trying to outmaneuver the other.

The tension ramps up as the reunion between Athrun and Kira becomes more fraught with danger. The battle seems destined to end in tragedy, with both pilots fighting to the death. However, midway through the fight, a mysterious mobile suit appears on the scene and disturbs their fight. This new mobile suit is unlike anything either side has seen before.

The Awakening Sword is a thrilling episode that showcases the intensity of war and the toll it takes on both individuals and societies. The conflict between the Earth Alliance and ZAFT is brought to the forefront, with the Archangel stuck in the middle of the action.

The relationship between Kira and Athrun is at the center of this episode. Their old friendship is strained by the war and by their opposing sides. The two pilots represent a microcosm of the larger struggle between Earth and ZAFT, and their conversation highlights the difficulty of finding common ground in times of conflict.

The episode also introduces a new mobile suit that promises to shake things up in the series. This mysterious new machine is sure to play a significant role in the events to come, adding an extra layer of intrigue to the already tense situation.

Overall, The Awakening Sword is an action-packed episode that moves the plot forward while deepening our understanding of the characters and their motivations. It is a must-see for fans of the series and an excellent entry point for those looking to get into the world of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED HD Remaster.

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  • First Aired
    March 2, 2012
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    1440 min
  • Language