Ep 11. Voice of 00
- December 14, 2008
The show Mobile Suit Gundam 00 season 2 episode 11, titled "Voice of 00," continues the story of Setsuna F. Seiei and his comrades fighting to bring an end to war and conflict throughout the world. The episode begins with the aftermath of an intense battle between the Earth Federation and A-LAWS, which results in the destruction of a number of mobile suits and the death of several pilots. Meanwhile, Setsuna is recovering from his injuries and reflects on the events that led him to become a Gundam Meister.
As the episode progresses, Setsuna and his team are tasked with taking down the A-LAWS orbital elevator, which would deal a major blow to the organization's power and influence. However, this mission is complicated by the appearance of an unexpected enemy: the GN-XIV, a new type of mobile suit that is far more advanced than anything Setsuna and his colleagues have faced before.
As Setsuna and his team struggle to gain the upper hand against the GN-XIV, they learn that the mobile suits are being controlled by an artificial intelligence known as Veda. With this knowledge, the team seeks out a way to disrupt Veda's influence and take control of the GN-XIV themselves. However, this proves to be a difficult task, as Veda is a formidable opponent that is able to anticipate and counter any move the Gundam Meisters make.
Despite the challenges they face, Setsuna and his team persevere, using their advanced mobile suits and coordinating their efforts to take down the GN-XIV and sever Veda's control over the machine. As they gain the upper hand, they begin to learn more about Veda's origins and the forces that seek to use its power for their own gain.
Overall, Mobile Suit Gundam 00 season 2 episode 11 is a thrilling installment in the long-running Gundam franchise, with intense action sequences, engaging characters, and a gripping storyline that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Whether you're a longtime fan of the series or a newcomer looking for an exciting introduction to the world of Gundam, this episode is sure to deliver the goods.