Watch Mobile Gundam Suit ZZ
- TV-14
- 1985
8.0 (1,644)
Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ is a Japanese mecha anime that was first aired in the year 1985. The show was produced by Sunrise and is the third installment in the Gundam franchise. The protagonist of the show is a young boy named Judau Ashta who lives in the colony of Shangri-La. One day, while scrounging around for food and supplies, he meets a group of people who are trying to escape from the colony on a stolen spaceship. After a series of events, Judau finds himself on board the Argama, a ship belonging to the Anti-Earth Union Group (AEUG).
The story takes place after the events of the earlier Gundam series, Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. The Earth Federation has been weakened by the events of the previous war and is now being threatened by two new factions â the Neo Zeon and the Axis Zeon. The AEUG is trying to stop both factions from destroying the Earth, and they need all the help they can get.
Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ explores the themes of war, loyalty, and the consequences of our actions. The characters in the show are well-written and fleshed out, with each having their own unique motivations and personalities. There are several new characters introduced in this show, including the crew of the Argama and the pilots of the Gundam suits.
The main protagonist, Judau, starts off as a carefree teenager whoâs just trying to survive. As the story progresses, he becomes more aware of the world around him and takes on more responsibilities. He often clashes with the other characters, especially his captain, Bright Noa, but ultimately, he proves himself to be a valuable asset to the team.
One unique aspect of Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ is its use of humor. The show balances serious moments with lighthearted ones, which helps to break up the tension. There are several comedic moments involving the characters, including some of the female crew members who are constantly trying to flirt with the male pilots.
The animation in Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ is impressive for its time. The mechs are well-designed, with each Gundam suit having its own unique look and weapons. The battles are fast-paced and exciting, with plenty of explosions and laser beams.
The showâs soundtrack is also noteworthy. The opening theme, âAnime Ja Naiâ, is a catchy pop-rock song that perfectly captures the tone of the show. The background music is a mix of orchestral and synth-heavy tracks that help to set the mood for each scene.
While Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ is a standalone series, it also ties into the overall Gundam franchise. Several characters from earlier shows make appearances, including Amuro Ray and Char Aznable. The show also sets up plot threads that are later explored in other Gundam series.
Overall, Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ is an enjoyable mecha anime thatâs definitely worth checking out for fans of the genre. Itâs a well-written show that explores complex themes and features a diverse cast of characters. While the show has its lighthearted moments, it doesnât shy away from the darker side of war, making it a mature and thought-provoking series.