Ep 3. Collapse
- TV-14
- January 26, 2018
- 24 min
Mob Psycho 100 is a Japanese animated series that follows the life of a young boy named Shigeo Kageyama, also known as Mob. He is a powerful esper, who possesses incredible psychic abilities that can crush anything with his bare hands. Despite his incredible power, Mob remains humble, and he does not use his powers to harm others. Instead, he seeks to live a normal life.
The show's third episode, titled "Collapse," follows Mob as he continues to work at an exorcism agency run by a man named Reigen. Reigen is a self-proclaimed psychic, who preys on the fears of his clients and exploits their weaknesses. In reality, he has no powers, and he relies on Mob to do all the work.
At the start of the episode, Mob and Reigen are called to a middle school to exorcise a ghost that has been haunting the building. When they arrive, they find a group of students who have been trying to summon a spirit using a Ouija board. The students are skeptical of Reigen's abilities, but he manages to convince them that he can help.
While Reigen entertains the students with his fake psychic powers, Mob makes his way to the classroom where the ghost is said to reside. As he enters the room, he is confronted by a powerful spirit who has the ability to manipulate reality. The spirit toys with Mob, creating illusions and forcing him to relive traumatic memories from his past.
Despite being overwhelmed, Mob remains steadfast in his resolve to exorcise the spirit. He uses his powers to create a barrier around himself and the spirit, trapping them both in a pocket dimension. From there, he unleashes his full power, creating a massive explosion that engulfs the entire school.
The explosion is so powerful that it draws the attention of other espers in the area, who sense the surge of energy. One of these espers is Teruki Hanazawa, a powerful psychic who has been causing trouble in the city. He tracks down Mob and challenges him to a fight, eager to test his own abilities against an esper as powerful as Mob.
The two engage in a fierce battle, with Teruki using his psychic powers to create energy blasts and manipulate the environment around them. Mob, on the other hand, relies on his raw power to overwhelm his opponent. The fight ends in a draw, with both combatants being evenly matched.
As the episode comes to a close, Mob and Teruki part ways, with a newfound respect for each other's abilities. Mob returns to his normal life, but he is left with a lingering sense of unease. He realizes that his powers have the potential to cause immense destruction, and he fears that he may not be able to control them forever.
In conclusion, "Collapse" is an action-packed episode that showcases the full extent of Mob's psychic abilities. The episode also introduces Teruki, a major character who will play a significant role in the series going forward. Overall, this episode is a must-watch for fans of the show, as it sets the stage for much of the drama and conflict that will unfold as the series progresses.