Mike, Lu & Og Season 1 Episode 7
Mike, Lu & Og
Season 1

Ep 7. Hot Couture/ Opposites Attack

  • July 16, 1999

Mike, Lu & Og is an American animated television series created by Mikhail Shindel, Mikhail Aldashin, and Charles Swenson. The show premiered on Cartoon Network on November 12, 1999, and ran for two seasons with a total of 26 episodes.

Season 1 Episode 7, titled "Hot Couture/ Opposites Attack," features the adventures of Mike, Lu, and Og on the tropical island of Albonquetine. In this episode, the trio faces two different predicaments, one involving fashion and the other contrasting personalities.

In "Hot Couture," Mike and her friends attend Fashion Week on the island. Mike is thrilled to attend because she wants to show off her fashion designs. However, her dreams are crushed when the judges select a piece of clothing that Lu accidentally put together. Now, Mike must face the reality that her designs need improvement. Despite her disappointment, she congratulates Lu on her accidental success and promises to work harder to create better designs.

In "Opposites Attack," Mike and her friends try to help a couple that is experiencing problems in their relationship because of their contrasting personalities. The two are initially happy to be with each other, but they begin to argue and push each other away. Mike tries to help them reconcile by showing them that their differences make them special and that they should embrace them. With Mike's help, the couple realizes that they can overcome their differences and continue to love each other.

Throughout the episode, viewers get to see the unique personalities of each of the characters. Mike is creative and sees the best in people, but she struggles with self-doubt. Lu is full of energy and confidence, but she can be careless and oblivious to other people's feelings. Og is kind and thoughtful, but she can be a little too stiff and rules-oriented. Despite their faults, the trio is always there to support each other and to help the people of Albonquetine.

"Hot Couture/ Opposites Attack" is a fun and entertaining episode that showcases the characters' strengths and weaknesses. It also teaches valuable lessons about self-improvement and acceptance of others. Viewers can enjoy watching the adventures of Mike, Lu, and Og on their tropical island home and learn something valuable along the way.

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  • First Aired
    July 16, 1999
  • Language