Mike, Lu & Og Season 1 Episode 6
Mike, Lu & Og
Season 1

Ep 6. Whole Lotta Shakin'/ Mother of All Marathons

  • TVG
  • July 2, 1999

Mike, Lu & Og season 1 episode 6, titled "Whole Lotta Shakin'/ Mother of All Marathons," takes place on the island of Albonquetine and follows the adventures of the trio as they navigate through various challenges.

In "Whole Lotta Shakin'," an earthquake strikes the island, causing chaos and destruction. Mike, Lu & Og work together to find a way to calm the angry volcano that caused the earthquake and prevent further damage to the island. Along the way, they encounter the island's oracle who guides them towards a solution.

In "Mother of All Marathons," the island is hosting a marathon race, and Lu decides to participate despite not being a runner. Mike and Og decide to join in as well to support her, but quickly regret their decision as the race becomes more challenging than they anticipated. To make matters worse, a group of cheaters are also competing and making it difficult for the trio to keep up.

Both episodes showcase the resourcefulness and determination of Mike, Lu & Og, as they work together to overcome obstacles on the island. With creative problem-solving and a sense of camaraderie, they are able to conquer whatever challenges come their way.

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  • First Aired
    July 2, 1999
  • Content Rating
  • Language