Mike, Lu & Og Season 1 Episode 2
Mike, Lu & Og
Season 1

Ep 2. Sultans of Swat/ Tea for Three

  • May 21, 1999

Mike, Lu & Og season 1 episode 2 is titled Sultans of Swat/ Tea for Three. In this episode, Mike, Lu, and Og are still adjusting to life on the island of Albonquetine after being stranded there. The three are all feeling homesick and missing their previous lives, but they also find themselves getting into various new and interesting situations.

The first half of the episode, Sultans of Swat, follows Mike as she attempts to start up a baseball team on the island. She's determined to create a team that can beat the popular and successful Caftan Baseball team, but quickly realizes that she doesn't actually have enough players to field a full team. Not wanting to give up, Mike convinces Og to help her convince the local animals to join the team.

With Og's help, Mike is able to convince a variety of animals to join her team, including a monkey, an elephant, and a turtle. She even manages to coax Lu into joining the team as well. Once they have a full team, they begin practicing and training for their upcoming game against the Caftan team.

In the second half of the episode, Tea for Three, Lu decides that she wants to have a tea party. However, when she invites Mike and Og to join her, they turn out to have very different ideas about what a tea party should be like. Mike wants to have a sporty tea party, with activities like football and volleyball, while Og is more interested in a quiet and peaceful tea party with no activities at all.

As the three try to plan their tea party, they realize that they need to find a compromise that will make everyone happy. Eventually, they come up with an idea to have a traditional English tea party, but with a twist. They decide to play football while drinking tea, combining both of their interests.

Throughout the episode, the three friends learn to work together to achieve their goals and find ways to compromise when their ideas clash. With its humorous storylines and charming characters, Sultans of Swat/ Tea for Three is a fun and heartwarming episode that is sure to delight viewers of all ages.

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  • First Aired
    May 21, 1999
  • Language