Mickey and the Roadster Racers Season 2 Episode 41

Ep 41. Mickey's Fun-tastic Field

  • May 17, 2019

Mickey's Fun-tastic Field is the 41st episode of season 2 of Mickey and the Roadster Racers. In this episode, Mickey and his friends participate in a fun-tastic field day competition. The episode begins with Mickey and his friends playing football in their backyard. Seeing their passion for sports, their coach, Mr. Bigby, invites them to participate in the Fun-tastic Field competition.

At the field, Mickey and his friends meet their rivals, the Hot Dog Hills All-Stars, who are the reigning champions of the competition. The All-Stars are confident that they will once again emerge victorious, but Mickey and his friends are determined to give their best shot.

The competition consists of various sporting events like the 100-yard dash, the 3-legged race, tug-of-war, and many more. As the events begin, Mickey and his team quickly realize that the All-Stars are indeed tough opponents. However, the Roadster Racers never give up and they fiercely compete in every event.

Throughout the competition, various challenges and obstacles arise. But with teamwork and determination, Mickey and his friends overcome them and stay in the game. In the end, it all comes down to the final event, a relay race. The Roadster Racers give it their all and put up an excellent performance, but the All-Stars seem to be winning the race. However, at the last moment, Mickey saves the day and leads his team to victory!

Everyone is thrilled with the unexpected win, especially Mr. Bigby, who is immensely proud of his young champions. The All-Stars are gracious in defeat and acknowledge Mickey and his team's great effort. The episode ends with the Roadster Racers celebrating their victory and looking forward to another fun-tastic field day in the future.

Overall, Mickey's Fun-tastic Field is a heartwarming and inspiring episode that emphasizes the importance of teamwork, determination, and sportsmanship. Young viewers can learn a lot from this episode and get motivated to participate in sports and other activities. The episode is full of excitement, laughter, and fun, making it a delightful watch for the entire family.

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  • First Aired
    May 17, 2019
  • Language