Ep 4. The Dog Eat Dog Syndrome
- October 10, 1998
The Men In Black: The Series is an animated television show that follows the adventures of Agent K and Jay, two members of the Men In Black organization tasked with keeping the Earth safe from extraterrestrial threats. Season 2 episode 4, titled "The Dog Eat Dog Syndrome," finds our heroes investigating a strange phenomenon that is causing dogs all over the city to become aggressive towards their owners.
As the episode begins, we see several instances of seemingly well-behaved dogs suddenly attacking their owners for no apparent reason. Agent K and Jay are called in to investigate, and they quickly discover that the dogs are being controlled by a mysterious alien device known as the "Bark-o-Matic."
The Bark-o-Matic is a small device that can be attached to a dog's collar, and it emits a high-pitched sound that can only be heard by dogs. This sound causes the dogs to become extremely aggressive and to turn on their owners. The Men In Black soon learn that the Bark-o-Matic is being distributed by a group of aliens who are trying to take over the planet by turning humans against their beloved pets.
As the investigation continues, Agent K and Jay encounter a number of challenges, including a group of angry dog owners who blame the Men In Black for the attacks, and a team of giant aliens who are guarding the Bark-o-Matic.
Despite these obstacles, our heroes remain determined to stop the alien threat and save the city from destruction. With the help of their high-tech weapons and gadgets, they engage in a thrilling battle against the aliens and succeed in destroying the Bark-o-Matic.
In the end, the Men In Black are able to save the day and restore the bond between humans and their faithful canine companions. The episode ends on a lighthearted note as Jay adopts a lovable stray dog that he has grown attached to during the course of the investigation.
Overall, "The Dog Eat Dog Syndrome" is an entertaining and action-packed episode of Men In Black: The Series that will appeal to fans of the franchise and newcomers alike. With its engaging storyline, colorful characters, and impressive animation, it is sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish.