Men Around The Prophet

Watch Men Around The Prophet

  • 2016
  • 2 Seasons

Men Around The Prophet is a compelling and informative documentary series produced by Alchemiya, an online platform dedicated to Islamic culture and lifestyle. The show takes a closer look at the lives of the Prophet Muhammad's companions - the men who surrounded and supported him throughout his journey - and examines their contributions to the Islamic faith.

Across several episodes, Men Around The Prophet explores the fascinating stories of these companions and sheds light on their unique personalities and qualities. The series is expertly narrated and beautifully filmed, taking viewers on a journey through time to experience the lives of these men and the Prophet himself.

Each episode focuses on a specific companion and his journey, highlighting the struggles and triumphs that led them to become part of the Prophet's inner circle. This allows viewers to gain a deeper understanding of the Prophet's message and how these companions helped to spread it throughout the world.

One of the recurring themes throughout the series is the loyalty of the companions to the Prophet, and how they were willing to follow him through even the most difficult circumstances. This theme is exemplified in the episode on Abu Bakr, the first caliph of Islam and a close friend of the Prophet. The documentary explores Abu Bakr's unwavering faith and his role in supporting the Prophet during the Hijra, the journey from Mecca to Medina that marked a pivotal moment in Islamic history.

Another standout episode features the story of Bilal Ibn Rabah, a former slave who became one of the earliest followers of the Prophet. The documentary examines Bilal's remarkable transformation from a persecuted slave to a respected companion of the Prophet, and how his powerful voice became an integral part of Islamic worship.

The series also delves into the political and social context of the time, exploring the conflicts and challenges that the companions faced in spreading the Prophet's message. For example, the episode on Umar Ibn Al-Khattab highlights his pivotal role in turning the tide of the Battle of Uhud, and how his leadership helped to solidify the Muslim community in Medina.

Throughout the series, viewers also gain insight into the personal lives of the companions and the impact that the Prophet had on them. The episode on Salman Al-Farsi, for example, explores his journey from a curious seeker of knowledge to a faithful companion of the Prophet, and how his knowledge of other faiths helped to shape Islamic theology.

Overall, Men Around The Prophet is a rich and informative series that offers a unique perspective on the Islamic faith. Through its expertly crafted storytelling and stunning visuals, the show brings to life the stories of the companions and their impact on the world of Islam. Whether you are a devout Muslim or simply curious about Islamic history and culture, this series is not to be missed.

Men Around The Prophet is a series that ran for 2 seasons (57 episodes) between January 1, 2016 and on Alchemiya

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Zayd Ibn Thabit
28. Zayd Ibn Thabit
January 1, 2016
Zayd ibn Thabit led the effort to make a unified version of the Qur'an. Zayd recalls how the Prophet had him learn many languages in order to have a full grasp of the people they encountered. He then discusses how they took the written words present and combined them with the words of those who had memorized the Qur'an in its entirety.
Zayd Ibn Al Khattab Part 2
27. Zayd Ibn Al Khattab Part 2
January 1, 1970
Zayd tells his Mother about Islam. She rejects it, only to face protest from Zayd who is frustrated with the religion of his family. He is hostile towards Ammar for abandoning his faith, but learns that his sister had made the transition into Islam and his brother will follow. He decides to become a Muslim as well
Zayd Ibn Al Khattab Part 1
26. Zayd Ibn Al Khattab Part 1
January 1, 2016
Zayd was the brother of the Khalifa Omar and died fighting for Islam. He also tells him a story about Zayd's interactions regarding his father, where his father prized money above all other things. He is frustrated with his father's lifestyle, and one night sees a convoy that had his sister included within it. He then learns that Ammar has joined Islam and asks him to tell him more.
Suhayl Ibn Amr Part 2
25. Suhayl Ibn Amr Part 2
January 1, 1970
The Treaty of Hudaybiyya, between the Prophet and the Quraysh, was signed under the efforts of Suhayl. His son, an avid Muslim, praises the Prophet for this treaty and infuriates Suhayl who then demands that son goes back with him. When Medina was conquered all were forgiven and none of the pagans were punished. Suhayl converted while asking his family to forgive him for his past ways.
Suhayl Ibn Amr Part 1
24. Suhayl Ibn Amr Part 1
January 1, 2016
Suhayl starts his life off as a trader who despises the disruptive threat Mohammad is placing on his society. He is confronted by Ekrima, who claims that since their trade is safe, there is no need to confront Mohammad, Suhayl claims that he must eliminate them before they become a threat and heads into battle despite his children warning him not to.
Salamah ibn al-Akwa
23. Salamah ibn al-Akwa
January 1, 2016
Salamah tells his grandson the tales of his journeys and battles that he had alongside the Prophet. He recalls how he had to pledge allegiance to the Prophet and how the Prophet forgave pagans despite their attempts to betray them. The message to his grandson is that it is best to avoid a battle, as in Islam, preserving life is what is most important, even if it is your enemy.
22. Sa
January 1, 1970
Sa'd Ibn Mu'adh Part 1
21. Sa'd Ibn Mu'adh Part 1
January 1, 2016
Sa'd approaches the tribe of Qurayza and confronts them for their betrayal. He sentences all those who betrayed them to a firm and strict punishment. He would eventually pass away in the arms of the Prophet after a battle. His role in Islam was so significant, and his life so virtuous, it is claimed that Allah felt the impact of his death and felt joy to have him reunite with him once again.
Said ibn Aamir Part 2
20. Said ibn Aamir Part 2
January 1, 2016
Said gives his wealth to the poor, and lives a modest life despite his status. The townspeople are frustrated with his behaviour and is called to answer for his ways by Omar Ibn Al Khattab. It is discovered that what they deemed as negative attributes, were because of Said
Ka'ab ibn Malek Part 2
18. Ka'ab ibn Malek Part 2
January 1, 2016
The Prophet confronts the men who were absent from the battles by claiming to be ill. The Prophet forgives them all and yet Ka'ab tells the truth despite everyone telling him not to and his people ostracise him. King Ghassan sees this as a means of breaking the bonds of the Prophet's circle and seeks out Ka'ab to betray the Prophet as a means of revenge.
17. Ka
January 1, 1970
The Prophet confronts the men who were absent from the battles by claiming to be ill. The Prophet forgives them all and yet Ka
Abu Sufyan ibn al-Harith Part 2
16. Abu Sufyan ibn al-Harith Part 2
January 1, 1970
Abu Sufyan and his son meet the Prophet then repent. The Prophet forgives and accepts them. Abu Sufyan reveals that he was nursed by the same woman as the Prophet, making them brothers in that manner. He recalls the time when the Prophet called him
Abu Sufyan ibn al-Harith Part 1
15. Abu Sufyan ibn al-Harith Part 1
January 1, 2016
Abu Sufyan is shown digging his own grave as he believes his time in life is running out. He heads to his son's home and tells his granddaughter the story of his encounters with the Prophet. He tells her of how his life before the Prophet was one filled with hate and war against Islam. However, one of his battles against the Prophet left him filled with doubt...
Abdullah ibn Omar Part 2
14. Abdullah ibn Omar Part 2
January 1, 1970
Abdullah sorts out a dispute between his children where his son cheated his sister out of a special meal. After his son apologises and repents, Abdullah feels inspired to tell a tale of his father, Omar ibn Al Khattab. Omar ibn Al Khattab had heard of a woman arguing with her mother over her deceptive practice in selling her products...
Abdullah ibn Omar Part 1
13. Abdullah ibn Omar Part 1
January 1, 2016
This episode addresses the story of Abdullah ibn Omar. Abdullah comes upon a large sum of money from the treasury. People find out Abdullah takes a loan to purchase feed for his camel and makes Omair and Ibn Wael wonder whether he is in debt. They discover that Abdullah donates most of his money to the poor and keeps a bare minimum for his family.
Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al A'as Part 2
12. Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al A'as Part 2
January 1, 1970
The men leave Abdullah for the day and seek to learn more of his journey with the Prophet. They recall the battles Abdullah endured in the name of Islam and how, despite all the odds, he emerged from his battles unscathed. They also recalled the political progress he made and the treaties he pledged and his role as an advisor later on in his life. They also learn of his generosity.
Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al A'as Part 1
11. Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al A'as Part 1
January 1, 2016
A group set out for Mecca and head towards the home of Abdullah to learn more about the Prophet. Abdullah tells the story of how he found faith in Islam. At the age of 15 he pledged his life to God and following the Prophet. He also recalls how he unwittingly got his uncle into trouble because of Islamic faith and how that very uncle was the reason behind him converting to Islam.
Usaid Bin Hadir Part 2
10. Usaid Bin Hadir Part 2
January 1, 1970
The focus of this episode is to shed light on Usaid
Usaid Bin Hadir Part 1
9. Usaid Bin Hadir Part 1
January 1, 2016
Usaid is heard reading out loud when some supernatural events take place. He is informed by the Prophet that his voice was so beautiful that angels were attracted to it and he experienced was angelic presence. He recalls how he finds his way to Islam after that.
Omair ibn Wahb
8. Omair ibn Wahb
January 1, 2016
The men of Quraysh are in battle with the Prophet and they send Omair 'the devil of Quraysh' to survey the area. Omair sees dedication and commitment in the Muslims he hasn't seen before and is worried. His son and many other men were taken as prisoners after the battle. Omair is sent to rescue them and assassinate the Prophet in the process...
Khaled ibn Sai'd
7. Khaled ibn Sai'd
January 1, 2016
Khaled recalls one of his dreams, in which he was urged to convert to Islam which he later did and once his father heard of his conversion, he imprisoned and tortured is own son in an attempt to make him renounce his new found fait. He eventually managed to escaped to join the Prophet and spread his message.
Al-Bara' ibn Malik Part 2
6. Al-Bara' ibn Malik Part 2
January 1, 1970
Anas tells the tale of how they tried to infiltrate a Persian fortress. The Persians were very brutal and wreaked havoc among the Muslim warriors. Anas was badly injured and seemed certain to die, but Al-Bara
Al-Bara' ibn Malik Part 1
5. Al-Bara' ibn Malik Part 1
January 1, 2016
We open with a young boy giving an old man some of his treats. In gratitude the old man bestows upon him a blessing that he would perform the Hajj. He goes home and tells his family about the incident and later his father then tells him the tale of his uncle, Al-Bara' ibn Malik's, life. He was among the first to embrace Islam, and he would use his beautiful singing voice in his acts of worship.
Abbas ibn Abdul-Muttalib
4. Abbas ibn Abdul-Muttalib
January 1, 2016
Abu Al Fadl is saving a portion of his wealth for his wife and children incase he dies in battle. In battle, he is caught and as a prisoner he is treated well and comes to admit that he never really wanted to fight and was grateful for his nephew's (the Prophet) compassion. He converts to Islam and dedicates his life to the message of Islam and the Prophet.
Anas Ibn Malik
3. Anas Ibn Malik
January 1, 2016
Anas recalls his childhood and upbringing that led him to be a highly regarded companion of the Prophet. He tells the story of how his mother presented him to the Prophet as he was her most valued possession. He recalls how the Prophet transformed him into a righteous man and did so while never resorting to harshness or abuse.
Abu Al Darda Part 2
2. Abu Al Darda Part 2
January 1, 1970
Abu Al Darda Part 1
1. Abu Al Darda Part 1
January 1, 2016
Darda discusses with his brother an upcoming battle and is reminded of how his brother helped him find his way to Islam. Darda, at first was against Islam and committed to maintaining his idols and pagan way of life, however, after seeing how passionately the Muslims fought for the Prophet and the religion and how his idols did nothing for themselves, he begins to doubt his choices and faith.
Where to Watch Men Around The Prophet
Men Around The Prophet is available for streaming on the Alchemiya website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Men Around The Prophet on demand at Amazon Prime.
  • Premiere Date
    January 1, 2016