Maury Season 4 Episode 58
Season 4


  • January 9, 2003

Maury is back with an all-new episode of season 4, airing episode 58 titled "I HAVE TO TELL YOU...YOUR BOYFRIEND GOT ME PREGNANT!". The show starts with Maury Povich welcoming the audience to another thrilling episode of his talk-show. He introduces today's topic, which revolves around a young woman, Emily, who says she's pregnant with her boyfriend's child.

Emily boldly states that her boyfriend, Josh, has been seeing her behind his current girlfriend, Emily's best friend, Rachel. She claims that Rachel doesn't have a clue about Josh's affair with her and the baby. Emily says she's known Josh for a long time, and the two have always been attracted to each other. They had this fling going on before, but she broke it off after finding out that he was seeing Rachel.

However, months after breaking things off, Emily realized she was pregnant with Josh's child. She got scared and didn't know how to approach the situation, so she decided to tell her best friend, Rachel, about the affair. She confides in Rachel, but Rachel doesn't believe her and thinks she's lying just to break them apart.

To prove her innocence, Emily reaches out to Maury and asks for a paternity test to be conducted to confirm that Josh is indeed the father of her child. She wants Josh to be aware of what's going on and take responsibility for his actions.

Having heard Emily's story, Maury invites Josh and Rachel to the show to talk about the situation. Upon their arrival, Maury asks them to listen to Emily's side of the story. Rachel accuses Emily of being a liar and trying to ruin her relationship with Josh. She doesn't believe Emily's claims and says she's only doing this out of jealousy.

Things quickly escalate when Emily presents her evidence, such as love letters and gifts from Josh. Rachel, however, argues that these could be mere coincidences, and Josh had no intentions of seeing Emily while being in a relationship with her.

Maury then proceeds to conduct a paternity test, which confirms that Josh is indeed the father of Emily's child. Josh is taken aback and tries to deny the allegations at first, but he breaks down after seeing the test results. He admits to seeing Emily and confesses that he's been leading a double life.

The audience gets a shock as Rachel screams in anger and walks off stage after realizing that Josh cheated on her with her best friend and caused her humiliation on national television. Emily, on the other hand, is satisfied that Josh has taken responsibility for his actions and is now willing to support her and her child.

Maury concludes the show by offering advice to couples to be always honest with each other and avoid situations that could jeopardize the relationship. He congratulates Emily on becoming a mother and wishes her and Josh the best of luck in co-parenting their child.

In conclusion, "I HAVE TO TELL YOU...YOUR BOYFRIEND GOT ME PREGNANT!" is an emotional episode that shows the perils of infidelity and the importance of truth in a relationship. The show highlights the consequences of dishonesty and the pain it can bring into people's lives. It is a must-watch for anyone who wants to understand the struggles of unmarried parenting and the power of paternity tests in resolving disputes.

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  • First Aired
    January 9, 2003
  • Language