Maury Season 4 Episode 55
Season 4


  • January 6, 2003

In this episode of Maury, the topic of discussion revolves around a 12-year-old girl who is the size of an infant. The young girl's mother is extremely concerned about her daughter's stunted growth and seeks answers from Maury's team of medical professionals and experts.

The show begins with a heartwarming introduction of the young girl, whose stature contrasts sharply with her age. As the experts run a series of tests and examinations on the young girl, the studio audience watches in amazement at the depth of the case and the possible causes.

Maury invites the young girl's mother to the stage and interviews her about her daughter's condition. The mother talks about her daughter's struggles growing up and how her condition has made her life difficult. She also expresses her fears about her daughter's future and the potential risks and complications that come with stunted growth.

Maury's experts then join them on the stage, and they provide an in-depth analysis of the young girl's medical history. They discuss her diet, her growth hormone levels, and other potential factors that could be contributing to her condition.

As the show progresses, viewers learn more about the challenges that this family faces and the steps they have taken to address their daughter's condition. The experts offer their recommendations on how to manage the young girl's condition and ensure she is getting proper nutrition and care.

The show also highlights the emotional toll that stunted growth can have on a child and their family. Maury and his team offer support and encouragement to the family, helping them navigate their struggles and offering hope for a brighter future.

The episode concludes with a touching moment as Maury invites the young girl to the stage to receive a special surprise from a surprise guest. The young girl's face lights up as she is presented with an opportunity to meet one of her favorite celebrities. Maury emphasizes the importance of hope and positivity during challenging times and encourages viewers to support families going through similar struggles.

Overall, this episode of Maury sheds light on a rare and complex medical condition while providing support and hope to those affected by it. The show offers valuable insight into the challenges facing children with stunted growth and their families while emphasizing the importance of understanding and compassion towards individuals with unique medical needs.

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  • First Aired
    January 6, 2003
  • Language