Maury Season 4 Episode 53
Season 4


  • November 12, 2002

Maury season 4 episode 53 features a segment titled "My Five Year Old Weighs 230 Pounds!" In this emotional episode, a mother brings her five-year-old son to the show to discuss his dangerously high weight. To the shock of the audience, the little boy weighs 230 pounds, which is more than five times the weight of an average five-year-old.

The mother tearfully explains how she has struggled with her own weight for years and admits that she has not been able to provide her son with the healthy diet and exercise that he needs. The boy's father also joins them on stage and expresses his concern for his son's health.

Maury addresses the severity of the situation and brings in a pediatrician to discuss the risks associated with childhood obesity. The pediatrician explains that the boy's weight puts him at risk for a variety of health complications such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes.

The show then looks into the family's lifestyle and eating habits. The parents admit that they often indulge in fast food and don't make an effort to incorporate fruits and vegetables into their meals. They also reveal that their son is frequently given sugary snacks and drinks as treats.

Maury brings in a nutritionist to help the family create a healthier meal plan and explains how important it is for them to start incorporating exercise into their daily routine. He emphasizes that the parents need to lead by example and make a commitment to improving their own health in order to set a positive example for their son.

As the episode progresses, the family begins to feel hopeful about implementing these changes. They express their gratitude for the support and guidance they have received from the show and vow to make a change for the sake of their son's health and future.

Overall, Maury season 4 episode 53 is a heart-wrenching reminder of the dangers of childhood obesity and the importance of a healthy lifestyle. The episode showcases the power of proper nutrition and physical activity and serves as a valuable resource for families struggling with similar issues.

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  • First Aired
    November 12, 2002
  • Language