Maury Season 4 Episode 45
Season 4


  • December 23, 2002

In this episode of Maury, we meet a young woman named Tanya who is desperate to find out who the father of her baby is. She's had several men in her life and isn't sure which one could be the father. Tanya has come to Maury for help in unraveling the mystery and finding out the truth.

Maury opens the show with his usual excitement and enthusiasm, always ready to help those in need. Tanya joins him on stage and shares her story with the audience. She explains that she had been with nine different men around the time she got pregnant and now she needs to find out which one is the father.

Maury starts by introducing the first man on his list, a guy named John who claims he's not the father. The audience gasps as Maury reveals the results of the DNA test, which show that John is, in fact, NOT the father. Tanya looks disappointed, but Maury reminds her that they still have eight more men to test.

The next man on the list is a guy named Alex, who also claims he's not the father. Tanya seems pretty confident that Alex is the one, but once again the DNA test proves otherwise. The audience cheers as Maury reveals that Alex is not the father.

As the show continues, Tanya becomes more and more emotional. She's frustrated and overwhelmed by the process, but Maury reminds her that they're getting closer to finding the truth. One by one, they test each man on the list, but none of them turn out to be the father.

Finally, they reach the ninth and final man on the list, a guy named Mike. Tanya seems hesitant and nervous as they bring him out on stage. She explains to Maury that Mike is the one she's been hoping for, but she's afraid of what the test result might reveal.

Maury takes a moment to talk to Mike and get his side of the story. Mike claims that he doesn't think he's the father, but he's willing to take the test to find out once and for all. The audience watches with bated breath as Maury reveals the results of the DNA test.

After a tense moment of silence, Maury finally announces that Mike is indeed the father of Tanya's baby. The audience erupts in cheers and applause as Tanya breaks down in tears of relief and joy. Maury congratulates Tanya on finding the truth and reminds her that now she can move forward and focus on being the best mother she can be.

In the end, Tanya has her answer and can finally rest assured knowing who the father of her baby is. Thanks to Maury's help, she can move forward with her life and raise her child with the support of friends and family. The episode ends on a positive note, with Maury reminding the audience that in the end, the truth always comes out.

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  • First Aired
    December 23, 2002
  • Language