Maury Season 4 Episode 1
Season 4


  • October 21, 2002

Maury season 4 episode 1 "Turn That Gorgeous Gal Back Into My Handsome Son!" is an emotional and dramatic episode that deals with a difficult topic: transgender issues within a family. The show follows the story of a family that is torn apart by the transition of their son into a daughter. The parents are struggling to come to terms with their child's decision to change their gender, and they are seeking Maury's help in order to get their child to reverse the transition and turn back into their original self.

The show begins with the parents explaining their situation to Maury. They speak about how happy they were when their son was born, and how they always pictured him growing up and becoming a successful, handsome man. However, when their child began to show signs of wanting to transition into a woman, the parents were shocked and devastated. They explain that they have tried everything they can to get their child to change their mind, but nothing seems to be working.

Maury listens to the parents' story and then brings out their child, who is now a beautiful young woman. The daughter explains that she has known since she was a child that she was meant to be a woman, and that she has always felt like she was living in the wrong body. She tells Maury that she is much happier now that she has transitioned, and that she finally feels like she is living as her true self.

The parents are visibly upset by their child's new appearance, and they struggle to understand how their son could change so drastically. They tell Maury that they don't know what to do, and that they are worried about their child's future. Maury tries to help the family by bringing in experts who can explain the science behind transgenderism and provide support and advice for both the parents and the daughter.

Throughout the episode, there are emotional conversations between the parents and their daughter. The parents express their love for their child and their desire to see them happy, but they also struggle with accepting their child's new identity. The daughter tries to explain to her parents that she is still the same person, only now she is living as a woman. At one point, the daughter breaks down in tears as she tells her parents that she feels like they are rejecting her for something that she cannot control.

As the episode progresses, the parents begin to show some understanding and acceptance of their daughter's transition. They start to listen to what she has to say, and they realize that they need to support her, no matter what. The daughter is grateful for their newfound openness, and she expresses how much it means to her to have her family by her side.

Overall, Maury season 4 episode 1 "Turn That Gorgeous Gal Back Into My Handsome Son!" is a powerful and heartfelt episode that deals with a sensitive issue in a respectful way. The show handles the issue of transgenderism with sensitivity and care, and it provides a valuable resource for families who are struggling to come to terms with the transition of a loved one.

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  • First Aired
    October 21, 2002
  • Language