Ep 5. First Frost/Hello Snow/Duck an
- April 15, 2018
- 1440 min
Little Bear is a children's animated television series that is based on the books by Maurice Sendak. The show follows the adventures of a young bear named Little Bear and his animal friends. In season 5, episode 5, titled "First Frost/Hello Snow/Duck an," Little Bear and his friends explore the changing seasons and have some fun in the snow.
In "First Frost," Little Bear wakes up to find that the first frost has arrived. He and his friends decide to go outside and see what kinds of things they can find that have been affected by the frost. They discover a spider's web covered in frost and some leaves that have changed color. Little Bear's mother reminds him to put on a hat and gloves to keep warm in the cold weather.
Next up is "Hello Snow," which finds Little Bear and his friends excitedly awaiting the first snowfall of the year. They run around the forest, catching snowflakes on their tongues and throwing snowballs at each other. Little Bear has trouble making a snowman, but his friends help him get it just right. After working up an appetite from all the snowman building, the friends head back inside for hot cocoa.
Finally, in "Duck an," Little Bear and his friends encounter a duck who has become trapped in the ice on the lake. They work together to rescue the duck and bring it back to their home to warm up. Little Bear's mother helps to nurse the duck back to health, and the grateful creature decides to stick around and become friends with the gang. They all have fun playing in the snow together and enjoying the winter weather.
Overall, this episode of Little Bear showcases the beauty and wonder of the changing seasons and the fun that can be had in the snow. It also teaches important lessons about staying warm and helping those in need, as well as the joy that comes from making new friends. Little Bear and his friends continue to delight and entertain young viewers with their adorable antics and heartwarming adventures.