Marvel Rising is an animated series that premiered on Disney XD in 2018. It features a diverse cast of Marvel superheroes who team up to save the world from various threats. The show stars Dove Cameron as Gwen Stacy (also known as Ghost-Spider), Tyler Posey as Dante Pertuz (also known as Inferno), and Dee Bradley Baker as Lockjaw, the giant bulldog with teleportation powers.
The show is geared towards a younger audience and focuses on introducing lesser-known characters from the Marvel universe, while also showcasing strong female and minority heroes. It aims to inspire children to embrace their uniqueness and work together for the greater good.
The series begins with Ghost-Spider being falsely accused of a crime and becoming a fugitive. Meanwhile, the villainous organization H.Y.D.R.A. begins to stir up trouble, forcing Squirrel Girl (voiced by Milana Vayntrub), Ms. Marvel (voiced by Kathreen Khavari), and Patriot (voiced by Kamil McFadden) to band together to stop them. They are joined by a cast of other heroes such as Quake (voiced by Chloe Bennet), America Chavez (voiced by Cierra Ramirez), and Captain Marvel (voiced by Kim Raver).
Throughout the series, the heroes face challenges and obstacles, both personal and external. They learn the importance of teamwork and communication as they work together to take down various villains, including H.Y.D.R.A., the Inhumans, and the villainous Kree.
One of the standout elements of the series is its focus on empowering female characters. The show features a diverse range of female characters with unique personalities and abilities, and they are often the ones to save the day. Ghost-Spider, in particular, is a complex character who struggles with balancing her superhero duties with her personal life. She is a strong and independent character who stands up for what she believes in.
The series also tackles themes of discrimination and prejudice. The characters face discrimination based on their race or abilities, and learn to stand up for themselves and each other. The show's creators hope to use these storylines as a way to educate children about these important issues.
Another notable aspect of the show is its animation style. The characters are designed in a style that is reminiscent of anime, with exaggerated facial expressions and dynamic action sequences. The backgrounds and settings are also detailed and vibrant, making for a visually impressive viewing experience.
Overall, Marvel Rising is a fun and exciting series that is perfect for young audiences who are interested in superheroes. It features a diverse cast of characters who work together to save the world, and tackles important themes like teamwork, empowerment, and acceptance. With its impressive animation and inspiring messages, it is an excellent addition to the Marvel universe.
Marvel Rising is a series that ran for 1 seasons (10 episodes) between August 13, 2018 and on Disney XD
CastDove CameronTyler PoseyDee Bradley Baker
Premiere DateAugust 13, 2018
IMDB Rating5.8 (744)
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