Managing Software People and Teams LiveLessons

Watch Managing Software People and Teams LiveLessons

  • 2017
  • 1 Season

Managing Software People and Teams LiveLessons is an online video course designed to offer guidance in the management of software development teams. The course is available on Pearson, a leading education company, and is tailored to meet the needs of individuals in leadership positions who are seeking to improve the performance of their software development teams.

The course is led by Dr. Mickey W. Mantle, who has over 30 years of experience in leading and managing software development teams. Dr. Mantle is also the author of the book, "Managing the Unmanageable: Rules, Tools, and Insights for Managing Software People and Teams," which serves as the foundation for the online course.

The Managing Software People and Teams LiveLessons course is divided into 19 chapters, each of which focuses on a specific topic related to managing software development teams. Some of the key topics covered in the course include creating an effective team culture, building and maintaining a high-performing team, managing team dynamics, and implementing effective communication strategies.

Throughout the course, Dr. Mantle uses a combination of lectures, case studies, and real-world examples to illustrate key concepts and provide practical guidance for managing software development teams. He also includes in-depth discussions on common challenges that leaders may face and provides strategies for addressing these challenges.

One of the strengths of the Managing Software People and Teams LiveLessons course is the emphasis on creating a positive team culture. Dr. Mantle stresses the importance of creating a culture of trust, respect, and collaboration, and provides detailed guidance on how to build a strong team culture that fosters open communication and promotes innovation.

The course also provides practical guidance on performance management, including how to set goals, provide constructive feedback, and motivate team members to achieve their best work. Dr. Mantle argues that effective performance management is essential for building a high-performing team, and provides strategies for creating a culture of accountability and continuous improvement.

Another key area of focus in the Managing Software People and Teams LiveLessons course is managing team dynamics. Dr. Mantle acknowledges that team dynamics can be complex and challenging, and provides guidance on how to identify and address common team dynamics issues such as conflict, personality differences, and power struggles.

Overall, Managing Software People and Teams LiveLessons is a comprehensive and practical course that provides valuable insights and guidance for individuals in leadership positions who are seeking to improve their ability to manage software development teams. The course is designed for individuals at all levels of management, from experienced software development managers to those who are new to leadership roles.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a comprehensive and practical course to help you improve your ability to manage software development teams, Managing Software People and Teams LiveLessons is an excellent option. With its emphasis on creating a positive team culture, performance management, and managing team dynamics, this course provides valuable insights and strategies that can help you build and lead a high-performing team.

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Lesson 10: If Were Agile, Why Do We Need Managers?
10. Lesson 10: If Were Agile, Why Do We Need Managers?
February 21, 2017
This challenges the misconception that Agile's self-organizing teams make managers unnecessary. This misconception can be a problem all around: Managers bent on command-and-control are clearly a barrier to agile adoption, but managers who take a hands-off approach because they don't know what to do stymie agile adoption as well.
Lesson 9: Managing Successful Software Delivery
9. Lesson 9: Managing Successful Software Delivery
February 21, 2017
Lesson 9 acknowledges the truth for most programming managers: Our positions exist because someone needs to overcome the seeming unmanageability of software projects--to support and enable the successful design, development, and delivery of those projects.
Lesson 8: Establishing a Successful Programming Culture
8. Lesson 8: Establishing a Successful Programming Culture
February 21, 2017
Lesson 8 points out that managing is immeasurably easier when it occurs within a culture that supports software people and teams. Mickey and Ron point out the managerial responsibility to nurture such a culture and walk through the elements that make up pro-programming cultures in companies large and small.
Lesson 7: Managing Up, Out, and Yourself
7. Lesson 7: Managing Up, Out, and Yourself
February 21, 2017
Lesson 7 introduces the concepts of managing not only those who are direct or indirect reports, but also bosses (up), peers, and others in and outside your organization (out) to be more successful and accelerate your career. Then Mickey and Ron discuss the toughest person to manage (yourself) and bring focus to those things each manager can do to manage him or herself more effectively.
Lesson 6: Motivating Programmers
6. Lesson 6: Motivating Programmers
February 21, 2017
They briefly survey key motivational theories, adapting a key theory (Herzberg's Theory) to specifically align with programmers and software teams. They discuss the important "Foundational Factors" that must be in place to avoid dissatisfaction and enable progress in motivating programmers and teams. They then detail Motivational Factors (Note: money is not the most important!).
Lesson 5: Becoming an Effective Programming Manager: Managing Down
5. Lesson 5: Becoming an Effective Programming Manager: Managing Down
February 21, 2017
Lesson 5 focuses on how to manage programmers successfully for managers with programmers as direct reports. Mickey and Ron discuss the essentials for success as a programming manager, including the importance of gaining technical respect, hiring the right programmers, and turbo charging those programmers who are inherited.
Lesson 4: Getting New Programmers Started Off Right
4. Lesson 4: Getting New Programmers Started Off Right
February 21, 2017
In part one, too many managers have experienced new hires not showing up for day one. In part two, for the majority of new hires who actually do start when promised, too many managers and teams fail at effective onboarding them, to the detriment not only of the new hire's productivity, but dramatically pulling down the entire team's productivity.
Lesson 3: Finding and Hiring Great Programmers
3. Lesson 3: Finding and Hiring Great Programmers
February 21, 2017
This addresses what is the number-one responsibility of programming managers: recruiting and hiring to staff great teams. They address the need to treat hiring like a project, from drafting a clear picture of the programmer you want to hire, budgeting the position, and marketing the job posting to recruiting tenaciously.
Lesson 2: Understanding Programmers
2. Lesson 2: Understanding Programmers
February 21, 2017
Lesson 2 provides an overview of what programmers do and categorizes programmers in several different ways, leading to a greater understanding of all the various kinds of programmers you might find yourself managing. Understanding all these programmer types is key to becoming a successful programming manager.
Lesson 1: Identifying Managerial Challenges and Managerial Greatness
1. Lesson 1: Identifying Managerial Challenges and Managerial Greatness
February 21, 2017
Lesson 1 introduces the differences between managing, coaching, and leading, and why all these roles are important to becoming a great manager. Mickey and Ron next discuss the differences in programmers and why managing programmers is hard--harder than managing other types of engineers. They then introduce the transitional challenges to managing in an Agile development environment.
  • Premiere Date
    February 21, 2017