Man Up aired on ABC from 2011 to 2012, and starred Amanda Detmer. The show follows the lives of three buddies who struggle with their masculinity and the traditional expectations that come with it. The hunters, fixers, and protectors are out to prove that men can be sensitive, not just stoic. Along the way, they discover that being a man means embracing your vulnerability and accepting your flaws.
The show starts with Will (Mather Zickel) getting divorced and moving in with his best friends, Craig (Christopher Moynihan) and Kenny (Dan Fogler). The trio spends their days drinking beer, playing video games, and debating pop culture. But when Craig's wife, Donna (Teri Polo), gives him a hard time for not being macho enough, he starts to question his own manhood.
Kenny, on the other hand, is obsessed with proving his masculinity to his girlfriend, Bridgette (Amanda Detmer). He spends his days lifting weights, watching action movies, and refusing to read books or watch romantic comedies. But when Bridgette threatens to leave him, he starts to realize that there's more to being a man than just being tough.
Together, the three friends navigate the highs and lows of modern masculinity, confronting everything from gender stereotypes to fatherhood. They learn to embrace their weaknesses and vulnerabilities, and to lean on each other for support. Along the way, they discover that being a real man means being honest, open, and vulnerable.
Man Up was praised for its authentic depiction of male friendship and the struggles that men face in today's society. The show tackled issues like emotional expression, gender roles, and toxic masculinity with sensitivity and humor. The chemistry between the three main actors was also praised, with the banter between them feeling natural and effortless.
Despite its critical acclaim, Man Up struggled to find an audience, and was canceled after just eight episodes. Many fans were disappointed by the cancellation, and felt that the show deserved more recognition for its smart writing and strong performances.
Overall, Man Up was a unique and refreshing take on the sitcom genre, exploring issues that are rarely addressed in mainstream media. Its message of acceptance and vulnerability resonated with many viewers, and its impact can still be felt today. While the show may have been short-lived, it left a lasting impression on those who watched it.
Man Up is a series that ran for 1 seasons (13 episodes) between October 18, 2011 and on ABC
Premiere DateOctober 18, 2011
IMDB Rating6.6 (2,689)
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