Mama's Family Season 3 Episode 16
Mama's Family
Season 3

Ep 16. Santa Mama

  • October 24, 1986
  • 8.0  (104)

Mama's Family season 3 episode 16, titled "Santa Mama" follows Mama and her family as they attempt to make their Christmas more special by participating in a holiday-themed contest. The episode begins with Mama and her son Vint shopping for Christmas decorations when they come across a flyer about a contest for the best decorated house on the block.

Mama, who is known for her competitive nature, immediately decides that they should enter the contest and decorate their home. She enlists the help of her daughter Naomi and her granddaughter Tiffany, who are less enthusiastic about the contest but agree to help Mama nonetheless.

As they prepare for the contest, Mama becomes increasingly obsessed with winning and begins neglecting her family and other responsibilities. She spends all day and night working on the decorations, leaving Vint and Naomi to take care of Tiffany and the rest of the household chores.

Meanwhile, Tiffany becomes suspicious of Santa Claus and his true identity. She begins to question why he always looks different and why he never takes off his beard. Naomi and Vint try to explain that there are many different Santas, but Tiffany is not satisfied with their answer.

On the day of the contest, Mama's house looks amazing, with lights, decorations, and a life-size Santa Claus on the front lawn. Mama is sure that they will win the contest and even tells off a neighbor who she thinks did not decorate his house properly.

However, things take a turn when Mama realizes that the Santa Claus on her front lawn is not the one that she had purchased but is, in fact, a thief who had stolen the decoration from a store. Mama is devastated and decides to pull out of the contest, not wanting to compete unfairly.

As they all sit down to dinner, Mama explains the situation to Tiffany, who realizes that it doesn't matter who plays Santa Claus, as long as the holiday spirit is there. They all share a family moment, realizing that the true meaning of Christmas is not in the decorations but in spending time with loved ones.

The episode ends with Mama taking down the decorations and apologizing to her family for neglecting them. They all agree that they had a wonderful Christmas, even though they did not win the contest.

In summary, Mama's Family season 3 episode 16, "Santa Mama," is a heartwarming holiday-themed episode that emphasizes the importance of family and the true meaning of Christmas. Mama learns an important lesson about competition and priorities, and Tiffany learns that the magic of Santa Claus is not in his appearance but in the holiday spirit.

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  • First Aired
    October 24, 1986
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    8.0  (104)