Ep 1. Been There, Done That
- August 25, 1997
Malcolm & Eddie is a popular American sitcom that aired on UPN from 1996 to 2000. The show follows the lives of two unlikely roommates, Malcolm McGee and Eddie Sherman, who own a bar in Kansas City. The second season of the show opens with an episode titled "Been There, Done That" where Malcolm and Eddie find themselves in a series of hilarious mishaps that threaten their business and their friendship.
In this episode, the duo is faced with a major crisis as their bar, the titular McGee's, undergoes a scheduled health inspection. As they wait for the inspector to arrive, Malcolm and Eddie begin to reflect on their past experiences with city inspectors and what they have had to do to keep their bar open. They recall how they had hidden their pet iguana, Elvis, from the inspector and how they had rigged their electrical system to pass inspection.
As they reminisce about their past antics, the inspector finally arrives and begins his inspection. However, things quickly spiral out of control when the inspector finds a rat in the kitchen. To make matters worse, Malcolm and Eddie are unable to catch the rat and the inspector threatens to close their establishment.
Desperate to save their business, Malcolm and Eddie enlist the help of their friends to help them catch the rat. However, their attempts only lead to more chaos and destruction as they accidentally break into their neighbor's apartment and a live news crew begins to report on their plight.
In the end, it is up to Malcolm and Eddie to come up with a solution to catch the rat and save their business. Despite their initial reluctance to work with each other, the two roommates band together and use their wits to outsmart the rat and the inspector.
"Been There, Done That" is a classic episode of Malcolm & Eddie that highlights the unique dynamic shared by the show's two lead characters. With its witty banter, slapstick humor, and relatable storylines, the show has continued to capture the hearts of audiences around the world long after it first aired.