Ep 7. Mo' Mirabelle's Blues
Magical DoReMi is an anime series that follows three best friends, Doremi, Hazuki, and Aiko, as they navigate their lives as witches-in-training. In season 2 episode 7, titled "Mo' Mirabelle's Blues," we see the girls continue their magical studies while also dealing with the ups and downs of being young girls.
The episode begins with the girls studying for their witch exams. They are all feeling the pressure of the upcoming tests, and their mentor, Majorika, is not making things any easier for them. She is constantly criticizing their progress and scolding them for not studying harder. Doremi, Hazuki, and Aiko are all feeling the stress and anxiety of the upcoming exams, but they are determined to pass with flying colors.
Meanwhile, Mirabelle, the girls' classmate, is feeling down in the dumps. She has been having a tough time lately and is feeling excluded from the group. The other girls haven't been inviting her out as much, and Mirabelle is feeling left out. She confides in Doremi and tells her how she's been feeling. Doremi tries to comfort Mirabelle and assures her that she's an important part of their group, but Mirabelle still feels sad.
Later in the episode, the girls decide to take a break from studying and go out for a fun afternoon. They try to invite Mirabelle, but she declines and says she has other plans. The girls continue on without her and have a great time, but Mirabelle can't help feeling left out and alone. She decides to go home and play her guitar to try and cheer herself up.
As Mirabelle plays her guitar, a strange thing happens. The guitar starts to glow, and Mirabelle is suddenly transported into a magical world. She is greeted by a group of friendly musical creatures who take her on a journey through their magical kingdom. Mirabelle is thrilled to be in this magical world and forgets all about her troubles back in the real world.
But soon, Mirabelle realizes that she can't stay in this magical world forever. She knows she has to get back home and face her problems. The musical creatures teach her a valuable lesson about facing her fears and being true to herself. Mirabelle takes this lesson to heart and decides to go back to the real world and confront her problems.
When Mirabelle returns to the real world, she finds her friends waiting for her. They apologize for leaving her out and assure her that she is an important part of their group. Mirabelle is overjoyed to hear this and knows that she has learned a valuable lesson about friendship and being true to herself.
The episode ends with the girls back in their witch studies, but this time they are all feeling a little less stressed. Mirabelle is also feeling much better and is happy to be back with her friends. They all realize that they can face anything as long as they have each other.
In conclusion, "Mo' Mirabelle's Blues" is a heartwarming episode that teaches valuable lessons about friendship, facing your fears, and being true to yourself. It's a great watch for anyone looking for a feel-good anime with a strong message.