Ep 3. The Split Curl Girl
- September 24, 2005
Magical DoReMi is a Japanese anime series that follows the story of three friends - Doremi, Hazuki, and Aiko - who have discovered that they are witches in training. Season 1 Episode 3 titled “The Split Curl Girl” begins with the girls receiving their first assignment from their witch mentor, Majorika.
Majorika tasks the girls with finding a witch frog named TT, who has run away from the witch world and is hiding in the human world. She warns them that if they fail to find TT, they will not be able to move on to their next witch exam. The girls take on the challenge and set out to find the missing frog.
As they search for TT, they stumble upon a young girl named Mimi, who has a unique split curl hairstyle that makes her stand out. Mimi is being bullied by two boys who make fun of her hair, which causes her to hide her curls under a hat. The girls sympathize with Mimi and try to encourage her to embrace her unique hairstyle. They quickly become friends and Mimi joins the girls in their search for TT.
The girls soon discover that TT is hiding in a tree in the park, but before they can grab him, the two boys who were bullying Mimi earlier show up and start throwing rocks at the tree. The girls quickly realize that the boys are trying to harm the witch frog, and they use their magic to protect him from harm.
Mimi witnesses their magical powers and is shocked. The girls reveal to her that they are witches and explain their mission to find TT. Mimi is impressed and amazed by the girls' abilities, and the girls decide to teach her a spell to help her stand up to the bullies.
Together, the girls cast a spell to conjure up a magical creature called a Timedoor, which allows them to travel through time. They use the Timedoor to travel back to the day when Mimi and the two bullies first became acquainted. Using their magical powers, they are able to change the events that took place that day and prevent the bullying from ever happening.
As a result, Mimi gains newfound confidence and proudly shows off her unique split curl hairstyle. The girls successfully find TT and return him safely to the witch world, passing their first witch exam. Majorika is impressed with the girls' success and rewards them with magical powers upgrades. The episode ends with the girls excitedly planning their next adventure as witches in training.
In conclusion, Magical DoReMi season 1 episode 3 is a heartwarming and uplifting episode that highlights the importance of friendship, self-acceptance, and standing up to bullies. The girls use their magical powers to create positive change and make a difference in both the human and witch world. The episode sets the stage for future adventures and showcases the girls' abilities as they continue to grow as witches in training.