Magic Knight Rayearth Season 2 Episode 16

Ep 16. Fuu versus Aska! The Life or Death Archery Match

  • TV-Y7
  • August 7, 1995
  • 24 min
  •   (7)

Fuu, the Wind Knight, finds herself facing off against Aska, the Flame Knight, in an intense archery match with deadly stakes. Aska has challenged Fuu to a life or death match, in which the winner will gain control of the other's magic powers.

The two knights take their positions on opposite sides of a wide field, their bows at the ready. Fuu is calm and focused, while Aska is brimming with confidence. As the match begins, both knights fire off their arrows with incredible speed and accuracy, each one narrowly missing its target.

Despite their impressive skills, it becomes clear that Aska has the upper hand. Her fire magic enhances her arrows, giving them an extra boost. Fuu struggles to keep up, her arrows falling short of their targets. It seems as though all hope is lost for the Wind Knight.

However, Fuu refuses to give up. She thinks back on her training, on the lessons she learned about patience, precision, and the power of the wind. She takes a deep breath and calms her mind, focusing on the target in front of her.

With a sudden burst of energy, Fuu pulls back her bowstring and lets loose an arrow. This time, it streaks straight and true towards the target, hitting it dead center. Aska looks stunned, but Fuu is not finished yet. She channels the power of the wind and sends another arrow hurtling towards Aska, who barely manages to dodge it.

The tide of the match has turned, and Fuu seems to have found her rhythm. She continues to fire off arrows with incredible speed and precision, each one coming closer and closer to hitting its mark. Aska is forced to defend herself, her arrows striking the ground around her in a fiery spray.

Just when it seems that Fuu has the upper hand, Aska unleashes a massive blast of flames, engulfing everything in its path. Fuu is trapped, with no way to escape. But just as all hope seems lost, the Wind Knight manages to summon up one final burst of energy. With a fierce determination, she powers through the flames and launches one last arrow at Aska.

The arrow streaks towards its target, and for a moment, time seems to stand still. Then, with a final burst of light, the arrow strikes true, striking Aska's bow and shattering it into pieces. The Flame Knight stumbles backwards, defeated.

Fuu has emerged victorious, and with her victory comes a newfound understanding of her own power and her place in the world of magic. As she walks away from the field, she knows that she has become stronger and more determined than ever before.

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  • First Aired
    August 7, 1995
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    24 min
  • Language