Ep 2. Blue Birthday
- October 10, 2014
- 23 min
Magic Kaito is an anime series that follows the young magician Kaito Kuroba as he becomes the infamous thief known as "The Kaito Kid." In season 1 episode 2 titled "Blue Birthday," Kaito's friend Nakamori asks for his help in guarding a valuable jewel while it is on display.
The episode begins with Kaito receiving a birthday gift from his deceased father, who was also a famous thief known as "The Phantom Thief." The gift is a blue gemstone, which Kaito discovers is actually a piece of a larger jewel called the Pandora Gem. The Pandora Gem is said to have the power to grant eternal youth and is the ultimate prize for any thief.
Meanwhile, Nakamori is tasked with guarding the blue jewel during a special exhibit at a museum. However, it quickly becomes apparent that someone is planning to steal the jewel, and Kaito must step in to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.
In classic Kaito Kid fashion, the thief makes a grand entrance by parachuting from a blimp onto the roof of the museum. Kaito uses his magic tricks and sleight of hand to try and outsmart the thief, but the Kaito Kid proves to be a formidable opponent.
As the two engage in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse, Kaito begins to suspect that the Kaito Kid may have a connection to his father's death. He also realizes that the blue gemstone he received may have been a trap set by the Kaito Kid to further his own agenda.
The episode culminates in a thrilling chase through the city as Kaito tries to catch the Kaito Kid and retrieve the Pandora Gem. In the end, Kaito is able to outsmart the thief and return the blue jewel to its rightful owner.
Overall, "Blue Birthday" is a fast-paced and exciting episode that showcases Kaito's skills as a magician and thief. It also hints at a larger mystery surrounding his father's death and the true identity of the Kaito Kid.