Ep 2. Madeline's Christmas
- November 11, 1990
Madeline: The Original Specials is a beloved animated series that follows Madeline, a plucky young girl who lives in a boarding school in Paris. In season 1 episode 2, Madeline's Christmas, the girls at the boarding school are getting ready for the holidays. However, things take a turn for the worse when everyone but Madeline falls ill with a nasty case of the flu. With no one around to help her, Madeline takes it upon herself to prepare for Christmas and bring a little holiday cheer to her sick friends.
The episode opens with Madeline and her classmates preparing for Christmas at their boarding school. The girls decorate the tree, hang wreaths, and sing carols. However, as the night wears on, it becomes clear that something is wrong. One by one, the girls start falling ill with the flu, leaving Madeline as the only one who isn't sick.
Madeline is left in charge of taking care of her sick classmates, and she rises to the challenge with aplomb. She cooks soup, brings her friends warm blankets, and does her best to keep their spirits up. However, as the days stretch on, Madeline starts to worry that Christmas will be ruined for her friends.
Determined to make the most of the situation, Madeline comes up with a plan to bring Christmas to her friends. She enlists the help of the school's cook, the gardener, and the school's handyman to create a makeshift Christmas celebration for her friends, complete with presents, decorations, and even a visit from Santa Claus himself.
Madeline's Christmas is a heartwarming tale that celebrates the spirit of the holidays and the power of friendship. Madeline is a charming and resourceful protagonist who proves that, even in the face of adversity, anything is possible with a little ingenuity and a lot of heart. This episode is perfect for families looking for a feel-good holiday story that is sure to put a smile on their faces. Whether you're a fan of the original Madeline books or discovering the series for the first time, Madeline's Christmas is a must-watch episode that will leave you feeling warm and fuzzy inside.