Made In Hollywood Uncut Season 5 Episode 6

Ep 6. Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile + The Loneliest Boy in the World, House of Hammer, Big Shot - Season 2

  • October 15, 2022

Made In Hollywood Uncut is an entertainment news show which covers the latest happenings and new releases in Hollywood. In season 5 episode 6, the show features some exciting interviews and behind the scenes looks at some of the hottest movies and TV shows.

The first segment features an interview with the director of the animated movie "Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile". The interviewer chats with him about the challenges of adapting a classic children's book into a movie. The director shares his thoughts on the story's themes of acceptance and friendship, and how he tried to stay true to the book's characters while adding his own unique spin.

Next up, our host interviews the director of "The Loneliest Boy in the World". This documentary explores the story of a young boy living alone on an island in the Pacific Ocean. The director discusses the challenges of filming on such a remote location and how he built a rapport with the film's subject. He also shares some insights into the boy's character and how he related to the world around him.

The show also features a segment about the British horror movie company, House of Hammer. This influential production company made a name for itself in the 1950s and '60s with its iconic horror films. We get a glimpse behind the scenes of some of the House of Hammer productions, and learn about how the company changed the horror genre forever.

Finally, the show wraps up with a chat with the creator of "Big Shot - Season 2". This hit show follows a temperamental basketball coach who gets fired from his job at a college and ends up coaching a high school team. The creator discusses the challenges of creating a believable basketball program for the show and how he balances comedy and drama. He also shares some insights into the new season's storylines and the future of the series.

Throughout the episode, we get intriguing glimpses into the creative minds behind some of Hollywood's biggest names. Made In Hollywood Uncut season 5 episode 6 brings us closer to the action and never-before-seen interviews and features insights that leave us wanting more.

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  • First Aired
    October 15, 2022
  • Language