Mad TV Season 5 Episode 2
Mad TV
Season 5

Ep 2. Episode #502

  • October 2, 1999

Episode #502 of Mad TV season 5 is a hilarious and irreverent sketch comedy show that features the talented cast of comedians impersonating celebrities, politicians, and everyday people. In this episode, there are a wide variety of sketches that parody popular culture and offer satirical commentary on current events.

One of the sketches in this episode features the recurring character of Stuart, a precocious and somewhat annoying child who is played by Michael McDonald. In this sketch, Stuart goes to see his school therapist to discuss his feelings about his parents' divorce. However, it quickly becomes apparent that Stuart is not interested in exploring his emotions and instead spends the session talking about his latest obsession: the TV show Survivor. The therapist tries unsuccessfully to get Stuart to open up, but ultimately gives up and suggests that he try watching some other television shows.

Another memorable sketch in this episode is a parody of the popular reality show Cops, which follows a group of incompetent and bumbling police officers as they try to apprehend a criminal. The officers struggle to keep their pants up, accidentally fire their guns, and generally make a mess of things as they try to track down a suspect who is painted blue. The sketch is an absurd take on the real-life show and is full of slapstick humor and physical comedy.

In addition to the sketches, this episode also includes several commercial parodies. One of these is for a product called Boudreaux's Butt Paste, which is presented as a miracle cure for diaper rash. The commercial features a baby with an exaggerated southern accent who proclaims, "I'm not just a cute little rascal anymore, I'm a walking target for an itchy, scratchy, rashy butt!" The commercial is both silly and oddly endearing, and is a highlight of the episode.

Another commercial parody in this episode is for a product called Thigh Master for Men. The commercial features a group of men grunting and sweating as they use a thigh master to tone their thighs. The commercial plays on gender stereotypes and is both funny and somewhat uncomfortable to watch.

Overall, episode #502 of Mad TV season 5 is a funny and entertaining episode that showcases the talents of the show's talented cast of comedians. From the wacky sketches to the hilarious commercial parodies, there is something for everyone in this episode. Whether you are a fan of sketch comedy or just looking for a good laugh, this episode is sure to leave you entertained and amused.

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  • First Aired
    October 2, 1999
  • Language