Ep 23. Drop Out
- March 27, 1983
The show Macross revolves around humankind's struggle for survival in a galaxy-wide war, where the stakes are high as they fight against a race of giant aliens known as the Zentradi. The series follows a young pilot, Hikaru Ichijo, who finds himself at the center of the conflict as he becomes enmeshed in a love triangle with Lynn Minmay, a popular singer, and Misa Hayase, an ace pilot.
In season 1 episode 23, titled "Drop Out," Hikaru finds himself at a crossroads as he is forced to choose between his duties as a pilot and his loyalty to his friend, Roy Focker. Roy, who has recently left the military due to a disagreement with his superiors, is now trying to live a life outside of the military and has started up his own private mercenary group.
However, Hikaru is torn between his desire to continue fighting alongside Roy, who has been like a mentor to him, and the fact that Roy's decision to leave the military has put him at odds with the rest of their comrades. The situation becomes more complicated when a group of Zentradi infiltrators attacks their base, and Hikaru must make a quick decision on how to defend themselves against the enemy.
Meanwhile, Lynn Minmay, who has been struggling with her feelings for Hikaru, decides to take a break from her hectic life as a singer and goes out for a relaxing day off. However, her outing takes a frightening turn when she is kidnapped by a group of Zentradi soldiers who have become fascinated by her music. This leaves Hikaru and Misa to mount a rescue mission, but they soon find that the situation is much more complicated than they initially thought.
As the episode progresses, tensions rise as the Zentradi's actions become increasingly unpredictable, leaving the characters to question just what it is that they are fighting for. Hikaru, in particular, finds himself at a moral crossroads, and is forced to confront the consequences of his actions as a soldier.
"Drop Out" is a tense and action-packed episode of Macross, full of unexpected twists and turns. It not only raises questions about loyalty, duty, and love, but also delves into the deeper philosophical implications of the war that is being waged. It's a must-see for fans of the series, and a great jumping-on point for anyone who is new to the show.