Ep 147. The Mermaid That Disappear in the Midnight Sun
- December 8, 2015
Lupin the Third Part 2 (80-155) (Subtitled) is an animated TV series that follows the adventures of the world-renowned thief, Arsène Lupin III, and his eccentric team as they navigate through numerous heists and capers across the globe. In episode 147, titled "The Mermaid That Disappear in the Midnight Sun," Lupin and his crew find themselves entangled in a thrilling escapade filled with mystery, danger, and a touch of enchantment.
The episode begins with Lupin and his partner-in-crime, Jigen, receiving an intriguing tip about a hidden treasure located in the land of eternal sunlight, Iceland. The rumor has it that the treasure is connected to an ethereal mermaid that is said to disappear under the mesmerizing glow of the midnight sun. With their curiosity piqued, Lupin and Jigen embark on a journey to uncover this mythical treasure.
Meanwhile, their fellow comrades, the skilled marksman Goemon and the beautiful hacker Fujiko, receive a separate tip about the same treasure. Unbeknownst to Lupin and Jigen, the cunning Fujiko decides to test her luck and tries to claim the treasure for herself. This choice sets the stage for a thrilling race against time and each other, as Lupin and Fujiko find themselves as both partners and rivals in this exhilarating adventure.
As Lupin and Jigen arrive in Iceland, they soon realize that the treacherous landscape and the ever-present sunlight pose unique challenges to their heist. In their search for the legendary treasure, they encounter a mysterious cult that worships the mermaid and guards the secrets of her disappearance. Determined to uncover the truth, Lupin and Jigen infiltrate the cult and find themselves amidst a web of deception and hidden agendas.
As the narrative unfolds, viewers are treated to stunning visuals depicting the mesmerizing beauty of Iceland, with its breathtaking glaciers and surreal landscapes. The clash between Lupin and Fujiko adds an extra layer of tension and intrigue to the episode, as their competing motivations drive the plot forward. The clever twists and turns keep the audience on the edge of their seats, wondering who will outsmart whom in the hunt for the elusive mermaid's treasure.
"The Mermaid That Disappear in the Midnight Sun" also explores themes of myth, legend, and the power of belief. The mermaid becomes a metaphor for the elusive nature of dreams and desires, weaving an allegorical tale that transcends mere heist storytelling. The episode delves into the characters' motivations and desires, offering insights into their complex personalities beyond their roles as cunning thieves.
Throughout the episode, Lupin and his crew showcase their unique skills, each contributing to the team's success in their own distinctive way. The dynamic between the characters is both comedic and heartfelt, with moments of levity amidst the high-stakes adventure. The witty banter and camaraderie between Lupin, Jigen, Goemon, and Fujiko add depth to their relationships while providing comic relief in tense situations.
"The Mermaid That Disappear in the Midnight Sun" is a captivating episode of Lupin the Third Part 2 that hooks viewers with its gripping narrative, atmospheric setting, and spirited characters. As the story reaches its climax, viewers are left wondering if Lupin and his crew can overcome the challenges, outsmart their rivals, and claim the legendary treasure for themselves. With its thrilling blend of action, mystery, and fantasy, this episode exemplifies the allure and enduring popularity of the Lupin the Third franchise.