Lovely Da Dhaba Season 1 Episode 1
Lovely Da Dhaba
Season 1

Ep 1. Simran Bhag Gayi

  • September 29, 2019
  • 16 min

A young girl named Simran arrives from Lucknow to Delhi to pursue her dreams. She wants to become a chef and starts working at Lovely Da Dhaba, a popular dhaba in Delhi. The episode begins with Simran's excitement for her new job and her eagerness to learn. She is introduced to the other staff members who welcome her warmly. The head chef, Daljeet, takes her under his wing and shows her around the kitchen.

The episode then moves towards a new menu launch at Lovely Da Dhaba. Simran is excited to try out new recipes and suggests a few dishes. However, her ideas are rejected by the owner, Lovely, who insists on sticking to the old menu. Simran is disappointed by this and feels demotivated. She confides in her colleagues who encourage her to not lose hope and keep trying.

On the day of the menu launch, everything seems perfect, but things take an unexpected turn when a famous food critic arrives at the dhaba. He is impressed with most of the dishes and compliments the chefs, but the dish that Simran had suggested (and was dismissed) turns out to be a disaster. The critic bashes the dish mercilessly, leaving everyone embarrassed and disappointed.

Simran is heartbroken but decides to take matters into her own hands. She requests Daljeet to let her try her dish again, and with his approval, she starts working on the recipe. The episode then shows Simran's hard work and dedication as she experiments with different ingredients and combinations. She works tirelessly even after her shift ends and comes up with a perfect recipe.

The following day, Simran presents her dish to the owner, Lovely, who is impressed by the taste and presentation. She gives Simran the go-ahead to launch the dish on the menu. The episode ends with Simran's dish becoming a huge hit among customers, and she receives praises from colleagues, customers, and the famous food critic.

Overall, Lovely Da Dhaba season 1 episode 1, named Simran Bhag Gayi, is a beautiful depiction of a young girl's passion and perseverance towards her dream. The episode showcases the importance of taking chances and never giving up, no matter how many times we fail. It also highlights the power of belief in oneself and the support of colleagues in achieving success.

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  • First Aired
    September 29, 2019
  • Runtime
    16 min
  • Language