Watch Love Lab
- 2013
- 1 Season
6.8 (222)
Love Lab is a delightful anime that aired in 2013, produced by Aniplex and animated by Dogakobo. The story revolves around four girls who attend Fujisaki Girls Academy, an all-girls high school. The protagonist is Riko Kurahashi, a girl with a wild imagination who initially longs for a campus life full of romance and excitement. However, she quickly learns that Fujisaki Girls Academy is lacking in the romance department, as the school's student council president, Natsuo Maki, has made it her personal mission to prevent any public display of affection on campus. In fact, no one can even hold hands without Maki's interference.
Riko, initially taken aback by Maki's tough stance on romance, is drawn to her stoic nature and soon becomes friends with her. Through their friendship, Riko learns more about Maki's past, and the reasons behind her strong stance on romance.
Maki's character is one of the standout features of the anime. She is a strong and dynamic student council president who is respected by everyone on campus. However, underneath her tough exterior, she has a soft and caring heart. Her backstory is expertly woven into the series, creating a complex and multi-dimensional character that adds depth to the story.
The other two main characters are Suzune "Suzu" Tanahashi and Eno "Eno-chan" Ebihara. Suzu, who is Maki's childhood friend, is the polar opposite of Maki. She is extroverted, outgoing, and often causes chaos wherever she goes. Eno-chan, on the other hand, is a quiet and shy girl who struggles with expressing her feelings. The dynamic between the four girls is playful and heart-warming, with each character bringing something unique to the group.
Another aspect of Love Lab that stands out is its excellent animation. The character designs are cute and distinct, and the backgrounds are detailed and colorful. The animation is consistent throughout the series, and the action scenes are well-directed and fluid.
One of the most enjoyable aspects of Love Lab is its humor. The series is filled with hilarious moments, ranging from misunderstandings to comedic set pieces. The humor never feels forced or out of place, and it complements the character's personalities perfectly.
The show's music is also noteworthy, with a catchy opening theme and charming background music that helps to convey the show's lighthearted tone.
In terms of story, Love Lab is an excellent coming-of-age tale that deals with themes of friendship, love, and personal growth. The series doesn't shy away from tackling serious issues, such as anxiety and the pressures of conformity, but it does so in a way that is both relatable and uplifting.
Overall, Love Lab is an exceptional anime that combines beautiful animation, compelling characters, and sharp humor. The show's charm and heart make it a must-watch for anyone looking for a feel-good anime that will leave them smiling from ear to ear.
Love Lab is a series that ran for 1 seasons (13 episodes) between July 4, 2013 and on Anime Network