Looney Tunes Season 7 Episode 21
Looney Tunes
Season 7

Ep 21. The Crackpot Quail

  • January 1, 1941
  • 7 min

In Looney Tunes season 7 episode 21, titled "The Crackpot Quail," viewers are treated to a classic cartoon tale featuring some of the most beloved characters in the Looney Tunes universe. The episode centers around a quail named Crackpot who is trying to avoid being hunted by an eager sportsman named Elmer Fudd.

As the episode begins, we see Crackpot rushing through the woods, trying to evade Elmer's shotgun. Though he's small in stature, Crackpot is quick on his feet and manages to stay one step ahead of the bumbling hunter. Along the way, he runs into several other familiar Looney Tunes characters, including Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck.

As the chase continues, Crackpot finds himself in increasingly precarious situations. At one point, he accidentally stumbles into a beehive, and Elmer rushes to his aid, only to be swarmed by angry bees himself. At another point, Crackpot jumps into a barrel of tar to escape Elmer's grasp, only to become hopelessly stuck.

Throughout the episode, Crackpot's antics are both entertaining and endearing. He's a lovable underdog who viewers can't help but root for, even as his pursuer comes dangerously close to catching him. And as always, the Looney Tunes humor is top-notch, with plenty of slapstick, sight gags, and clever wordplay to keep viewers laughing.

Ultimately, the episode ends on a high note, with Crackpot managing to outsmart Elmer and escape once again. As they director of the show said, “Looney Tunes is all about having fun, and I think this episode captures that spirit perfectly.” And for fans of this classic cartoon series, that's sure to be music to their ears.

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  • First Aired
    January 1, 1941
  • Runtime
    7 min
  • Language