Log Cabin Living is a captivating reality show that follows families all over America as they search for the perfect log cabin homes. The show, which premiered in 2014 and starred the trio of Brian Kelsey, Jim Loveridge, and Brian Moon, documents the house-hunting process from start to finish, showcasing what makes log cabin living so special.
Each episode of Log Cabin Living features a different family looking for a new place to call home. They visit different log cabins, meet with experts to discuss the various aspects of cabin living, and ultimately decide upon a place to settle down. The show offers a glimpse into the unique lifestyle and challenges associated with living in a log cabin home.
Brian Kelsey, Jim Loveridge, and Brian Moon are the show
Log Cabin Living is a series that ran for 9 seasons (116 episodes) between May 27, 2014 and on HGTV
Premiere DateMay 27, 2014
IMDB Rating6.9 (48)
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