In this episode of Little House on the Prairie titled "I'll Ride The Wind," the Ingalls family and their friends gather to celebrate the town's centennial. The celebration includes a horse race, and Charles Ingalls decides to enter his horse, Bunny, in the contest. However, Bunny is not a racehorse, and Charles struggles to train him for the competition.
Meanwhile, Laura's new friend, a Native American boy named Johnny, joins in the festivities. However, tensions rise between the town's residents and the Native American tribe due to land disputes. As a result, Johnny is bullied by some of the local children and accused of starting a fire in the woods.
Amidst the chaos, Johnny is injured in a fall from a tree, and Charles is called upon to help him. As he tends to Johnny's injuries, Charles shares with him his love and respect for animals, and the two develop a bond.
The horse race approaches, and Charles is faced with a difficult decision: should he withdraw Bunny from the race, or should he stick it out and risk Bunny getting hurt? In the end, Charles decides to let Bunny run and trusts that he will do his best.
As the race begins, Bunny falls behind, but he doesn't give up. With a burst of energy, Bunny catches up to the other horses and manages to cross the finish line in first place. The crowd erupts with cheers, and Charles is overjoyed.
In the aftermath of the race, tensions between the town's residents and the Native American tribe begin to cool. As the Ingalls family says goodbye to Johnny and his family, they reflect on the importance of treating everyone with kindness and respect.
Overall, "I'll Ride The Wind" is an uplifting episode that highlights the importance of perseverance, kindness, and respect. The underlying message is one of unity and understanding, a reminder that we must work together and treat each other with compassion and humanity, especially in times of conflict and division.
CastMichael LandonKaren GrassleMelissa GilbertRadames PeraWalker Edmiston
First AiredJanuary 10, 1977
Content RatingTV-NR
Runtime48 min
IMDB Rating7.9 (258)
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