Life In Motion with Derek Hough Season 1 Episode 2

Ep 2. Derek Hough's Gymnastics with Nastia Liukin

  • TV-PG
  • September 26, 2018
  • 13 min

Life In Motion with Derek Hough season 1 episode 2, titled "Derek Hough's Gymnastics with Nastia Liukin," takes fans of the dance world to new heights with the help of gymnastics gold medalist Nastia Liukin. In this exciting episode, Derek Hough shares his passion for gymnastics with an intense workout alongside Liukin. The two dancing champions intertwine their own dance moves with various forms of gymnastics training, to create an unforgettable episode, filled with strength, grace, and passion.

The episode starts with a warm welcome from Derek Hough and Nastia Liukin in what appears to be Liukin's home gym. Hough shares his admiration for Liukin's gymnastic feats and sets the scene for the chit-chat before the training session. The two of them reminisce on their shared passion for dancing, and how it has brought them to this moment. Hough shares how passionately he feels about incorporating gymnastics techniques into his dance routines, and how excited he is to share his journey with fans.

The training begins with the two of them performing light exercises, working on their flexibility and strength. The exercises performed are not too challenging for the average viewer at home but are essential to the overall workout. As they continue with the training, viewers can see Nastia Liukin's expertise coming into play as Hough struggles in some of his attempts at finesse gymnastic moves. Additionally, Hough shares his enthusiasm for gymnastics, joking about his love for handstands and somersaults.

With the warm-up over, Liukin introduces viewers to her home gym, an exceptional space decorated with Olympic medals, pictures, and trophies. Here, we start to see the intensity of the workout as Liukin takes a more direct tone, urging Hough to improve further. They begin the training session with more challenging exercises, such as leaps and bounds, and a variation of cartwheels. The momentum builds up as they switch to the uneven bars, and Liukin shows off her chops in a stunning display of technical ability.

Throughout the episode, Hough shares his thoughts on the training, the gymnastics techniques, and how they connect to his dance work. His insights reveal how closely connected the two art forms are, and how essential one has been to the development of the other. The viewers can also see Hough making progress throughout the episode, which is a testament to the incredible expertise of his trainer Nastia Liukin.

The team takes a quick break to chat, and Hough explains how much he loves the challenge of gymnastics' physicality. The training is impressive, as the two of them coach each other and work together to further their abilities. Finally, the session ends in an impressive display of strength and technique. Hough's growth throughout the episode is noticeable, and viewers are likely left with newfound respect for the sport of gymnastics and its practitioners.

The episode ends with a brief interview, where Hough and Liukin share their passion for dance and gymnastics, and how they are continuously inspired and motivated to do better. Viewers are left with the impression that these two champions continue to remain committed to their craft and that they are eager to share their passion and hard work with the world.

Overall, season 1 episode 2 of "Life In Motion with Derek Hough" is an excellent display of the shared passion between dance and gymnastics. The episode is packed with expert training, technical moves, and impressive athleticism, all of which provide an excellent insight into the world of dance and gymnastics. Viewers who love physical activity, dance, or sports are likely to come away from this episode inspired and motivated to reach their highest potential. So, tune in to experience a thrilling and inspiring episode, showcasing two champions in their chosen fields.

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  • First Aired
    September 26, 2018
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    13 min
  • Language