Let's Play with ToyPuddingTV Season 1 Episode 7

Ep 7. Baby Doli Cooks In The Restaurant Kitchen

  • May 17, 2018
  • 10 min

Let's Play with ToyPuddingTV is an animated kid's show that features Baby Doli, a cute little baby who loves to play and have fun. In season 1 episode 7, Baby Doli is playing in a restaurant kitchen.

The episode starts with Baby Doli walking into a busy kitchen with lots of cooks and waiters rushing around. Baby Doli is curious and excited about all the different foods she sees being prepared. She watches as the cooks chop vegetables and fry chicken, and she can't wait to join in on the fun.

One of the cooks notices Baby Doli and decides to give her a special job to do. She hands Baby Doli a small bowl of spices and tells her to mix them together. Baby Doli is thrilled to be included and starts mixing the spices with a big smile on her face.

As she works, Baby Doli notices all the different vegetables and meats being prepared. She starts to get hungry and decides that she wants to cook something too. She asks one of the chefs if she can help, and he agrees to show her how to cook a simple dish.

Together, they prepare a vegetable stir-fry with rice. Baby Doli carefully chops the vegetables and watches as the chef fries them up in a wok. She adds the spices she mixed earlier to the dish and stirs it all together. The aroma of the cooking food fills the kitchen, and Baby Doli can't wait to taste it.

After the stir-fry is finished, the chef places it on a plate and puts it in front of Baby Doli. She takes a bite and smiles with delight. It's delicious!

Baby Doli is now hooked on cooking and decides that she wants to make more dishes. She spends the rest of the episode helping out in the kitchen and learning new recipes. She even makes a dessert for the customers, which they all love.

The show ends with Baby Doli saying goodbye to all her new friends in the kitchen. She's had a wonderful time playing and learning, and she can't wait to come back and do it all again. The episode is a fun and entertaining way for kids to learn about cooking and explore the workings of a busy restaurant kitchen.

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  • First Aired
    May 17, 2018
  • Runtime
    10 min
  • Language