Learning Node.js LiveLessons, 2nd Edition

Watch Learning Node.js LiveLessons, 2nd Edition

  • 2016
  • 1 Season

Learning Node.js LiveLessons, 2nd Edition from Pearson is a comprehensive video course designed for individuals who want to become proficient in Node.js. The course has been created by expert software engineer and Node.js developer Marc Wandschneider, who has worked on numerous high-profile Node.js projects.

The course is delivered through a series of 19 lessons, each of which covers a key topic related to Node.js development. Each lesson is presented in an easy-to-follow manner, with clear and concise explanations provided throughout.

The course starts with an introduction to Node.js, covering key concepts such as non-blocking I/O, asynchronous programming, and event-driven architecture. From there, the course moves on to cover a wide range of topics, including working with modules, debugging Node.js applications, and testing Node.js code.

Other topics covered in the course include using Node.js with databases, creating web applications with Node.js and Express.js, and building real-time applications with Node.js and Socket.io. The course also provides detailed coverage of many of the tools and libraries commonly used in Node.js development, such as npm, Gulp, and Grunt.

Throughout the course, Marc Wandschneider provides practical examples of Node.js development, demonstrating how to build useful applications step-by-step. The lessons are designed to be easy to follow, with clear explanations provided at each stage of the development process.

One of the key features of Learning Node.js LiveLessons, 2nd Edition is the use of live coding demonstrations. This allows learners to see exactly how Node.js applications are built in a real-world setting, giving them a deeper understanding of the code and how it works.

In addition to the video lessons, the course comes with a number of resources to help learners get the most out of the content. These include code examples, exercises, and quizzes designed to reinforce key concepts and test understanding.

Overall, Learning Node.js LiveLessons, 2nd Edition from Pearson is an excellent resource for anyone looking to become proficient in Node.js development. With its comprehensive coverage of key concepts, practical examples, and live coding demonstrations, the course provides learners with everything they need to start building efficient, powerful Node.js applications.

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Lesson 13: Testing
13. Lesson 13: Testing
December 19, 2016
Learn how to: Explore some testing framework options and install nodeunit, write your first nodeunit tests, handle asynchronous programming in your tests, and write blackbox tests for your API server
Lesson 12: Development and Deployment II: Working with Heroku and Azure
12. Lesson 12: Development and Deployment II: Working with Heroku and Azure
December 19, 2016
Learn how to: Get ready to deploy to Heroku, deploy your app to Heroku, look at tools to help with developing on Heroku, get ready to deploy on Microsoft Azure, deploy your app to Azure, and look at tools to help with developing on Azure
Lesson 11: Command-Line Programming and Scripting
11. Lesson 11: Command-Line Programming and Scripting
December 19, 2016
Learn how to: Run command-line scripts (Unix-like), run command-line scripts (Windows), use synchronous file APIs, understand the basics of stdin/stdout, launch processes with the "exec" function, and launch processes with the "spawn" function
Lesson 10: Development and Deployment I: Rolling our own.
10. Lesson 10: Development and Deployment I: Rolling our own.
December 19, 2016
Learn how to: Deploy Node apps: basic; deploy Node apps: Ninja (Unix-like); deploy Node apps: Ninja (Windows); fully take advantage of multi-processor servers on deployment, support sessions on multiple servers with memcached, and implement virtual hosting - Express
Lesson 9: Databases II-MySQL
9. Lesson 9: Databases II-MySQL
December 19, 2016
Learn how to: Prepare MySQL, create a SQL schema for our project, learn about core database operations in MySQL, look at our updated application with MySQL, add authentication to our app - API and handlers, and add authentication to our app - pages and templates
Lesson 8: Databases I-Mongodb and Node.js
8. Lesson 8: Databases I-Mongodb and Node.js
December 19, 2016
Learn how to: Set up and run Mongodb, perform basic Mongodb operations, query collections with the "find" method, update your photo app and setting everything up, add the new database operations to the app, and add new pages and templates to the app
Lesson 7: Building Web Applications Easier with Express
7. Lesson 7: Building Web Applications Easier with Express
December 19, 2016
Learn how to: Install Express and write Hello World; route requests, update your app for routing; understand REST API design, factorize your code with modules; explore Express middleware; clarify the importance of ordering in middleware; replace static file handling in the app with middleware; support POST data, cookies, and sessions; upload files; and support authentication in Node.js
Lesson 6: Expanding our Web Server
6. Lesson 6: Expanding our Web Server
December 19, 2016
Learn how to: Investigate Node.js streams, serve static files from our server, serve different file types with our server, use HTML templates: the basics, the Mustache framework, bootstrapping the process with JavaScript, and final assembly for the browser
Lesson 5: Modules
5. Lesson 5: Modules
December 19, 2016
Learn how to: Write a simple module, use npm - the node package manager, write a more interesting module, publish modules, explore the async module, a vital component of our apps, and make sure to keep your promises
Lesson 4: Writing Applications
4. Lesson 4: Writing Applications
December 19, 2016
Learn how to: Write your first JSON server, combine loops and asynchronous programming, support multiple request types in your server, explore requests and responses, add support for query (GET) parameters, and receive POST data
Lesson 3: Asynchronous Programming
3. Lesson 3: Asynchronous Programming
December 19, 2016
Learn how to: Mix error handling and asynchronous programming, solve a new problem that arises in Node.js - losing your "this" reference, yield control and improve responsiveness, and take a quick look at synchronous programming in Node.js
Lesson 2: A Closer Look at JavaScript
2. Lesson 2: A Closer Look at JavaScript
December 19, 2016
Learn how to: Use basic Types, Strings, Objects, and Arrays. Make full use of Functions, use language constructs, write classes with prototypes and inheritance, use and handle errors, work with two important Node.js globals, and play with a couple of new JavaScript features
Lesson 1: Getting Started
1. Lesson 1: Getting Started
December 19, 2016
Learn how to: Install Node.js, figure out all these version numbers, write "Hello World!" in Node.js, run your first web server, use the Node.js debugger, stay up to date and find the help you need
  • Premiere Date
    December 19, 2016