Lassie Season 1 Episode 9
Season 1

Ep 9. Night of the Wolves

  • February 23, 2014
  • 22 min

Lassie season 1 episode 9 titled Night of the Wolves follows the adventures of Lassie, a brave and loyal collie dog. This episode starts with Lassie playing in the fields until she hears the sound of wolves howling in the distance. Lassie's owner, Timmy Martin, and his friend, Joey, are spending the night in the woods for a camping trip. As Timmy and Joey are about to make dinner, they hear the howling sound of the wolves that Lassie had heard earlier. The boys become scared and decide to gather some wood to start a fire.

As they are gathering wood, the boys come across a pack of wolves that are staring at them. Timmy and Joey become scared and start running back to their camping site. However, they realize that they have lost their way and are now lost in the woods. Lassie, who has been following the boys, realizes that her friends are in danger and runs to find help.

Lassie manages to find Timmy's father, Paul, who quickly assembles a search party to find the boys. While they are searching, they hear the boys' cries for help. Lassie leads the search party to the boys, who are being held captive by the wolves. The search party manages to scare off the wolves and rescues the boys.

Upon returning home, Timmy's mother, Ellen, scolds her husband for allowing Timmy and Joey to go on a camping trip unaccompanied. However, Timmy defends his father and thanks Lassie for her heroic actions. The episode ends with Timmy and Lassie sleeping soundly in their beds, with Timmy's father promising to never let anything happen to them again.

Overall, Lassie season 1 episode 9 is an exciting and action-packed episode that showcases Lassie's bravery and loyalty to her friends. The idea of getting lost and being chased by wolves adds to the suspense of the episode. It also highlights the importance of being cautious while camping in the woods and the importance of having a loyal companion like Lassie by your side.

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  • First Aired
    February 23, 2014
  • Runtime
    22 min
  • Language