Lassie Season 1 Episode 19
Season 1

Ep 19. Thin Ice

  • January 19, 2014
  • 22 min

Lassie was a popular television show that aired in the 1950s and 1960s. It followed the adventures of a brave and loyal collie named Lassie and her human family in rural America. In season 1 episode 19, titled Thin Ice, Lassie once again finds herself in a precarious situation as she tries to save those she loves.

At the beginning of the episode, we see Lassie and her owners Paul and Ruth Martin enjoying a winter day outside. They are skating on a nearby pond, with Lassie running alongside them. However, their idyllic day soon turns dangerous when two young boys, Jeff and Billy, show up to skate on the pond too. The ice is thin, and the boys are warned not to go out too far, but they ignore the danger and skate off into the distance.

Lassie watches from the shore as the boys get farther and farther away, becoming more and more reckless. She senses the danger and starts barking frantically to warn Paul and Ruth. They rush over, but it's too late - the ice cracks, and Jeff falls through into the freezing water. Billy tries to help him, but he falls through too. Lassie jumps into action, running out onto the ice towards the boys.

The tension builds as Lassie makes her way to the boys, using her cleverness to avoid falling through the ice herself. She reaches them, grabbing onto Jeff's collar with her teeth and pulling him towards shore. Once he's safe, she turns back to get Billy, repeating the same process. Finally, both boys are safe on the shore, shivering and grateful for Lassie's bravery.

As they warm up by the fire, the Martins realize that they need to do more to protect the children of the community from the dangers of thin ice. They decide to organize a skating party on the pond, complete with safety rules and designated areas for skating that have been cleared of snow. Lassie is right by their side, eager to help keep everyone safe.

But not everyone in the community is happy about the skating party. Carl Baker, the owner of a nearby factory, is angry that the Martins are "interfering with business" by using the pond for recreational activities. He refuses to let his workers attend the party, even though it's a chance for the community to come together and have fun.

The tension between the Martins and Baker comes to a head when Baker's son, Danny, falls through the ice during the skating party. Once again, Lassie is the hero, bravely diving into the water to rescue the young boy. But Baker remains angry, blaming the Martins for his son's near-death experience and insisting that they are putting his livelihood at risk.

The episode ends with Lassie and the Martins standing by their beliefs, knowing that they are doing the right thing by creating a safe and fun community event. They hope that their actions will inspire others to come together and work towards making their town a better and safer place to live.

Overall, Thin Ice is a heartwarming episode of Lassie that showcases the bravery and intelligence of the beloved collie. It also highlights important themes of community and safety, reminding us to work together to protect the ones we love.

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  • First Aired
    January 19, 2014
  • Runtime
    22 min
  • Language