Watch Kyousougiga
- 2012
- 2 Seasons
Kyousougiga is an anime series produced by Toei Animation and directed by Rie Matsumoto. The show originally aired in 2011 as a five-episode ONA (original net animation), but was later adapted into a TV series in 2013 by director Matsumoto and producer Izumi Todo. The TV series is comprised of ten episodes and was aired on the Tokyo MX network.
Kyousougiga follows the story of a family living in the Mirror Capital, a fantastical city that exists alongside our own world. The family is made up of a mother, Koto, and her three children: A, Un, and Yakushimaru. Koto and her children are deities that have the power to manipulate reality through drawing or painting, and they use this power to maintain peace in the Mirror Capital.
The story begins with Koto arriving in the Mirror Capital in pursuit of a rabbit that she has been chasing for many years. After wandering the city and causing a commotion, she is eventually brought before the leader of the city, an old man known as the Myoue. Koto claims that she is looking for her family, who were lost when she chased the rabbit into the Mirror Capital. The Myoue then reveals that he is actually Koto's husband and the father of her three children. However, he tells her that her children have gone missing and he has been searching for them ever since.
As the story progresses, Koto and the Myoue continue to search for their children while also dealing with various problems that arise in the city. These problems often stem from the unresolved emotions of the city's inhabitants, and Koto and her family use their reality-warping powers to help resolve these issues. Along the way, they encounter a number of strange and colorful characters, including a talking computer named Lady Koto, a robot Buddha, and a hot-headed priest with a penchant for blowing things up.
One of the standout features of Kyousougiga is its unique visual style. The show is filled with vibrant, surreal imagery that creates a dreamlike atmosphere. The city of the Mirror Capital itself is a dazzling feast for the eyes, with its winding streets, towering buildings, and twisting bridges that seem to defy the laws of physics. The characters are also beautifully designed, with each one having their own distinct look and personality.
Another strength of Kyousougiga is its storytelling. The show weaves together a number of different plot threads, each one exploring the themes of family, identity, and acceptance. The relationship between Koto and her children is at the heart of the story, with each episode slowly peeling back the layers to reveal more about their past and their connection to the Mirror Capital. The show also tackles heavier themes such as loss, grief, and the search for meaning in one's life, but it never becomes too heavy-handed or overly melodramatic.
Overall, Kyousougiga is a visually stunning and emotionally resonant anime that is sure to captivate audiences. With its unique blend of surreal imagery, compelling characters, and heartfelt storytelling, it stands out as one of the most memorable anime series of recent years.
Kyousougiga is a series that ran for 2 seasons (23 episodes) between August 31, 2012 and on Tokyo MX