Ep 1. Toward the Vast World...
- TV-14
- June 24, 2004
- 23 min
Toward the Vast World is the first episode of the science-fiction anime series Kurau: Phantom Memory. The episode begins with a young girl named Kurau, who has a mysterious and powerful ability to control energy, running through a dense forest in search of something. She is being pursued by a group of armed men who are trying to capture her.
As Kurau evades her pursuers, she reaches a clearing where she finds a young boy named Christmas, who is lost and alone in the woods. Kurau decides to protect him, and the two of them spend the night together. In the morning, Kurau sends Christmas back to civilization, warning him not to tell anyone about her.
Kurau is on the run from a shadowy organization called the GPO, who are seeking to capture and control her power. Meanwhile, the GPO have also enlisted the help of a skilled bounty hunter named Douglas to track Kurau down.
Later on, Kurau is attacked by more agents from the GPO, but she is rescued by a mysterious figure who introduces herself as "Grid". Grid reveals that she, too, possesses the same special abilities as Kurau. She gives Kurau a device called a "Rynax" that allows her to control her powers more effectively.
As Kurau and Grid share their experiences, they both realize that they are not entirely human. Kurau, it seems, was "born of Rynax" - a strange and powerful energy source - and as a result, she possesses incredible abilities that make her a target for those seeking to harness her power.
The episode concludes with Kurau and Grid deciding to team up and search for other individuals like themselves. Together, they hope to unravel the mystery of their own existence and understand what it means to be "born of Rynax".
Toward the Vast World is a strong introduction to Kurau: Phantom Memory. The episode is beautifully animated and features some impressive action sequences, as well as a compelling storyline that sets up the show's overarching themes and character relationships. Both Kurau and Grid are intriguing protagonists, and the episode does an excellent job of hinting at their hidden pasts without revealing too much too soon.
Overall, this is an exciting start to what promises to be an intriguing and thought-provoking science-fiction series.