Watch Kono Minikuku Mo Utsukushii Sekai
- TV-14
- 1969
6.0 (330)
Kono Minikuku Mo Utsukushii Sekai is an anime television series produced by Madhouse that aired on Animax in 2004. The show revolves around a shy and introverted high school student named Takeru Takemoto, who is apprehensive about adjusting to a new school and finding friends. However, his life takes a dramatic turn when he comes across a girl named Ryouko Asakura. Ryouko is a strange and enigmatic girl who possesses magical powers, and she quickly befriends Takeru.
The story is set in a world that is slowly being devastated by an environmental catastrophe. The world is plagued by a phenomenon known as "Shimbo," which transforms living organisms into dangerous and aggressive creatures. It is up to Ryouko and Takeru to unravel the mysteries of the world and find a way to save it before it is too late. Along the way, they meet other individuals who have their own unique abilities and strange histories.
The anime features a talented and diverse voice cast. Fujiko Takimoto voices Takeru Takemoto, the timid and reserved protagonist who undergoes a profound transformation throughout the series. Ayako Kawasumi lends her voice to the mysterious and alluring Ryouko Asakura, who keeps Takeru on his toes. Takahiro Mizushima plays Daichi Yomoda, Takeru's childhood friend who also ends up joining him on his quest to save the world. Other notable voice actors include Ai Shimizu as Mayumi Thyme, a girl who has the power to create and control plants, and Asami Sanada as Aki Mizusawa, a girl with an affinity for technology.
The animation style of the show is well-executed, with vibrant colors and dynamic action scenes that keep the viewer engaged. The designs of the characters and creatures are unique and imaginative, further adding to the show's allure. The musical score is also notable, with upbeat and catchy songs that perfectly capture the show's overall tone.
The show's themes are centered around the idea of change and growth, with the characters undergoing personal journeys as they navigate the chaos of the world around them. Takeru, in particular, undergoes a significant transformation over the course of the series. He starts off as a shy and introverted individual who is afraid of change, but as the story progresses and he faces various challenges and obstacles, he becomes more confident, assertive, and courageous. Ryouko, on the other hand, remains a mysterious and unpredictable presence throughout the show, which adds to the overall intrigue of the plot.
Overall, Kono Minikuku Mo Utsukushii Sekai is an entertaining and exciting anime that manages to balance action, humor, and drama in a way that keeps the viewer engaged. The characters are interesting and well-developed, and the plot is full of twists and turns that keep the story fresh and engaging. For fans of science fiction and fantasy, this series is definitely worth checking out.